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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ADVISORY BOARDS. SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y . ' W. K. FORSYTH, Chicago; W. H . GALE, Chicago; SAMUEL COFFINBERRY, Peor i a ; F R A N K T H O M A S , C a i r o ; H . W. G I E S E , Bloomington. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. College Section: A. P . GROUT, P r e s i d e n t Illinois Live Stock Breeders' Association; A. V. SCHERMERHORN, P r e s i d e n t Illinois State F a r m e r s ' I n s t i t u t e ; E . E . CHESTER, P r e s i d e n t Illinois Corn Growers' Association; L . N . WIGGINS, P r e s i d e n t Illinois State Dairymen's Association; GEORGE F . FOSTER, P r e s i d e n t S t a t e H o r t i c u l t u r a l Society. Live Stock Section: A. P . GROUT, W i n c h e s t e r ; L. H . KERRICK,* Bloomington; JOSEPH FULKERSON, J e r s e y v i l l e ; JACOB ZEIGLER, C l i n t o n ; JOHN H. K I N - CAID, A t h e n s . Crop Section: E . E . CHESTER, Champaign; C. A. ROWE, Jacksonville; J O H N R. CLISBY. Areola; J. H . COOLIDGE, Galesburg; S. W . STRONG, P o n t i a c . Soil Section: R A L P H ALLEN, D e l a v a n ; A. N . ABBOTT, Morrison;. F . I. M A N N , Gilman; J . P . MASON, E l g i n ; B . F . W Y M A N , Sycamore. Orchard Section: ARTHUR BRYANT, P r i n c e t o n ; J. F . JOLLY, Olney; F . D. VORIS, Neoga; H . A. ALDRICH, N e o g a ; J. W . STANTON, Richview. Dairy Section: F . A. CARR, A u r o r a ; Louis LATZER, H i g h l a n d ; C. F . MILLS, Springfield; J A N E ADDAMS, H u l l House, Chicago; J. P . MASON, Elgin. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Conference Committee on Fuel Tests of Illinois Coals: H . F . BAIN, Urbana, for State Geological Survey; A. BEMENT, American T r u s t Building, Chicago, for Western Society of E n g i n e e r s ; E D W I N H . CHENEY, 1712 Marquette Building, Chicago, for Building Managers' Association of Chicago; F . H . CLARK, C , B. & Q Railway, Chicago, for W e s t e r n Railway club; ADOLPH MUELLER, Decatur, for Illinois Manufacturers' Association; CARL SCHOLZ, Old Colony Building, Chicago, for'Illinois Coal Operators' Association; A. V. SCHROEDER, Decatur, for State Electric Light Association; W I L L I A M L. ABBOTT, 139 Adams street, Chicago, for Board of Trustees, University of Illinois; L. P . BRECKENRIDGE, Urbana, for Engineering E x p e r i m e n t Station. Conference Committee on Electric Traction Tests: W M . L. ABBOTT, Chief Operating Engineer Chicago Edison Company, a n d T r u s t e e of t h e University of Illinois, 139 A d a m s street, Chicago; K E . FISCHER, Vice P r e s i d e n t anid General Manager Illinois Traction System, Danville; T. P . GAYLORD, General Manager Westinghouse Electric Company, 171 L a Salle street, Chicago; B . E . SUNNY, General Manager General Electric Company, Chicago; L. P . BRECKENRIDGE, D i r e c t o r of t h e E n g i n e e r i n g E x p e r i m e n t Station, University of Illinois; MORGAN BROOKS, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois; EDWARD C. SCHMIDT, Associate Professor of Railway Engineering, University of Illinois. DEPARTMENT OF CERAMICS. A. W. GATES, Monmouth; W. D. GATES, 602 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago; F . W. BUTTERWORTH, D a n v i l l e ; J. W. S T I P E S , Champaign; D'. V. PURINGTON, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. * Deceased.
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