Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

472 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 8 CERTIFICATES. 2. Certificates of Qualification to Teach Subjects named: Edwina Eunice Abbott, French. Nellie Matilda Bredehoft, English and German. Hazle Katherine Cooper, Mathematics. Lloyd Slote Dancey, A. B., 1907, Mathematics and Physics. Nellie Mildred Porterfield, English. HONORS. 3. Honors have been awarded by the University Senate for scholarship as follows: SPECIAL HONORS. College of Literature and Arts. Mary Gertrude Doherty College of Science. Alfred Otto Gross College of Engineering. Stanley Gardner Cutler Final, Honors. College of Literature and Arts. Fred Parker Benjamin Minnie Leonora Parker Irene Mary Parsons Florence Louise Brundage Winifred Almina Perry Ethel May Bushhell Nellie Mildred Porterfield Mary Gertrude Doherty Hiram Thompson Scovill Ruth Kelso George Merit Palmer College of Science. Carlon Ten Broeck Drury Lee Weatherhead Drury Lee Weatherhead Robert Douglass Glasgow Robert James Love Charles Stephen Pillsbury Robert Douglas Glasgow Alfred Otto Gross Jessie Eulalia Rambo College of Engineering. George Emile Jaquet Archie Stanton Buyers Robert James Love Byron Kemp Coghlan Lewis McDonald Stanley Gardner Cutler Ingo Charles Nitz Ralph Emerson Deets Raymond Clark Pierce Daniel Cleveland Faber Charles Stephen Pillsbury Harrison Frederick Gonnerman Frank Vanlnwagen College of Agriculture. Howard Russell Stanford Earle Archibald White Florence Harrison Robert Louis Latzer