Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 467 Marietta Sy'rl Davis Chester Robert Dewey Louise Sarah Dewey,' M. S., 1899 Earl Willoughby Donoho, A. B., 1904 William Watson Earnest Jeanette Ellen Edwards Adeline Christine Eiszner Sarah Wooster Eno Oscar Bryant Frazer Vida Celinda Gentsch Elizabeth Victoria Griswold Hope Herrick Carrie Marsh Hill Charles Ray Holton A Frazier Hunt Ruth Hyndman Eda Augusta Jacobson George Koser Johnson Oscar Joseph Jordan Grace Osgood Kelley, B. L. S., 1903 Ruth Kelso Sarah Elvira Kibby Pearl Kindig Ida Louise Lange Julia Anna Lawless Jennie Mae Lloyd Arthur Theodore Long Wendla Justitia McCaskey Alice Birdie McDonald Lewis McDonald George Madison Lyman Samuel Mangas Nellie Pearl Matthews Bertha Alice Miller Nellie Grant Miller Ada May Miner Grace Eleanor Murphy Mary Ethel Nation Jessie Ruth Newcomb Marion Starr Nichol Lulu Claire O'Hair Mabel Verona Ostrander George Merit Palmer Minnie Leonora Parker Irene Mary Parsons Leonora Naomi l^erry Winifred Alminia Perry Mary Esther Pfeil Nellie Mildred Porterneld Howard Allen Ray Nellie Irene Rutledge Agnes Lucy Sargent Albert Charles Schertz Hiram Thompson Scoville Edith Naomi Scrogin Louise Shipman Irwin Webster Smith Leslie Alden Smith Stanley S. Snyder Elsie Roberta Sonntag Viola Hope Sonntag Edith Lillian Spray, B. L. S., 1907 Paul Prime Stone Fled*a DeVere Straight Bernard Andrew Strauch Anne Davies Swezey, B. L. S., 1903 Louis Edna Swigart Nellie Florence Taylor Jessie May Toland James Merton Watters Nina Mary Weinberg Lena Lee White Stanley E. Wilkinson Howard Chandler Williams Florence Williamson Edwin Leonard Wilson Lelia Sara Wilson Beulah Miles Wood In Library Science. Sarah Elizabeth Bryan Lura Ethel Hqge COLLEGE OF SCIENCE. Ella Elliott Mclntyre Wiebe Alice White DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS. (With Thesis.) In General Science. Daniel Leroy Christopher Hugh Glasgow Robert Douglass Glasgow Alfred Otto Gross Ralph Atkinson Lynch Mary Emily Woodbridge In Six-Year Medical Course. Patll John Hanzlik (Without Thesis.)