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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

466 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 8 Meeting of June 8, 1908. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the University, beginning at 9 :00 o'clock, a. m., Monday, June 8, 1908. The members present were Messrs. Abbott, Hatch and Lehman, and Mrs. Evans> Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Busey; absent, Governor Deneen, Dr. Davison, and Mr. Madden. Mr. Blair came in a little later. President James was present. The Secretary presented the minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, 1908, and of the special meetings of April 3, 1908, April 23, 1908, May 2, 1908, and May 29, 1908. The approval of the minutes was deu ferred. MATTERS SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. President James presented the following* matters for consideration: 1. I ask for authority to confer degrees and certificates upon the persons recommended for degrees and certificates by the proper authorities of the University. Authority was given as asked and the lists follow: DEGREES CONFERRED JUNE 10, 19Q£. COLLEGE OF LITEBATUBE AND ABTS. DEGBEE OF BACHELOB OF ABTS. In Specialized Courses, Thesis Bequired. Mary-Gertrude Doherty Edwina Eunice Abbott Robert Edward Garnett Deborah Chase Akers Egbert George Gesell Albert Allen Edward Leverich Hall Winnina Ella Brownson In General Courses. Charles Bowen Busey Ethel May Bushnell Beatrice Martindale Butler John Prescott Butler Ira-Thompson Carrithers Mae Chapin Winnifred Hazel Clifford Hazle Katherine Cooper Flemin Willit Cox, Jr. Irving' Hughey Cox Maurice G. Dadant Albert Hartman Daehler Dora Davidson George Herbert Anderson Annie Mary Applegate Winifred Agnes Bannon Edna Pearl Barnhart Fred Parker Benjamin Stella Bennet, B. L. S:, 1903 Hazel Besore Lee Ross Blohm Nellie Matilda Bredehoft Florence Louise Brundage Louis Buenger Arthur Pingree Bumstead Opal Burres
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