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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEGREES FOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE GRADUATES. 465 2. A recommendation that the President of the University be authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine during' the approaching* commencement upon the candidates recommended by the faculty of the College of Medicine for said degree. Voted on motion of Dr. Davison that said recommendation be approved. APPOINTMENTS. 3. A recommendation by Professor A. P. Carmen, approved by Dean Goss, that Dr. William F. Schulz be appointed assistant professor of physics in the University of Illinois at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year, salary and service to begin September 1, 1908. Voted on motion of Mrs1. Evans that said recommendation be approved. 4. A recommendation by Professor J. W. Garner, approved by Dean Evarts B. Greene, of the College of Literature and Arts, that Thomas Reed Powell be elected associate in political science at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars a year for a term of two years, work and salary to begin September 1, 1908. Voted on motion of Mrs. Evans that said recommendation be approved. 5. A recommendation by Dean E. J. Townsend that John Wesley Young1 be appointed assistant professor of mathmatics at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1908. Voted on motion of Mrs. Busey that said recommendation be approved. 6. A request from Dr. C H. Sisam, associate in mathematics in the University, for leave of absence without pay for the coming year, with the understanding that he return to his presen b position at the same salary for the succeeding year, at which time his term as associate will expire. Voted on motion of Mr. Hatch that said request be granted on said terms. SENIOR CLASS MEMORIAL. Report from .the committee appointed to pass upon the artistic merits of the senior class memorial that the memorial tablet is lacking in artistic qualities. Voted that the board cannot recommend the acceptance and placing of it as it now is in the- auditorium. The board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President. —30 U
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