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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 463 Early after the act went into force the board of Trustees authorized the appointment of a committee to which was given general supervision of all matters relating to the appointment of examiners, the mode of conducting examinations, certifying to the President of the University the names of applicants passing the required examinations, etc., etc. In the enumerated powers delegated by the board of Trustees to this committee the authority to revoke was not mentioned. I think it advisable, therefore, for the board of Trustees to refer the matter against Eoberts to the committee with the power to hear testimony and either grant or deny the petition of Everett. When that is done the committee can give the required statutory notice and, on the date named for hearing, take proofs and pass on the case. Its decision should be certified to the board of Trustees for approval. Respectfully submitted, O. A. HAKKEE, Counsel for the University. I t was voted, on motion of Mr. Hatch, that the Committee on C. P. A. matters appointed by the Board of Trustees, consisting of Dr. David Kinley, Chairman, Professor M. H. Robinson, and W. L. Pillsbury, be authorized to proceed with regard to the petition of John Everett for the revocation of the C. P. A. certificate held by William H. Roberts in accordance with the opinion outlined by Judge Harker. TJhe board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President.
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