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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

462 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [May 2 85 00 372 90 The foiling repairs were authorized: Heating: Changing the return from the buildings north of the power plant into the large return tanks $ Changing the return main in south tunnel Changing in steam main in Chemical Building, necessary on account of unsatisfactory operation of heating system, due to connections to return main being too small and the unsatisfactory arrangement of steam valves Repairs to boilers, engines, pumps, steam mains, etc General repairs in heating system Gas Main: The 4-inch gas main now in the south tunnel should be changed to a ditch on the outside on occount of the expansion of the gas before it passes through the meters, due to the heat of the tunnel. I t will also make room for an additional heating return main in tunnel, as the present main is to small to carry the • return in cold weather. If we make this change the present 4-inch main can be used for return main from a point in tunnel opposite Law Building to Power House , Pipe Machines: Valve reseating machine Respectfully submitted, 136 20 400 00 600 00 376 15 90 00 $2,059 35 WILLIAM A. ABBOTT, FRED L. HATCH, LEWIS L. LEHMAN, LAURA B. EVANS, CARRIE T. ALEXANDER, Committee on Buildings and Grounds. EEVOCATION OF C. P. A. CERTIFICATE, With, regard to the form of procedure to be followed in the revocation of a C. P. A. certificate (see minutes of board meeting of January 25, 1908), the Secretary presented- the following opinion from Judge Harker : It appears from a petition presented to the Board of Trustees by John Everett, asking for the revocation of a certificate issued to William H. Roberts on September 26, 1904, as a Public Accountant under the legislative act of 1903, that Roberts in his application for such certificate, furnished false and fraduient statements as to his previous experience as a public accountant. It is charged that because of such statements the University Committee on Accountancy was imposed upon and without them the certificate would not have been granted. The fifth section of the Act of 1903 provides that "the University may revoke any certificate issued under the provisions of this act for unprofessional conduct or other sufficient cause, provided that written notice shall have been previously mailed to the holder of such certificate twenty days before any hearing thereon, stating the cause for such contemplated action and appointing a date for a full hearing thereof by the University." The term "other sufficient cause" is broad enough to authorize a revocation for conduct before as well as after.the date of the certificate. Moreover, if a certificate is obtained by fraud the University may treat it as voidable ab initio and revoke on satisfactory proof of the fraud The act provides that the University may determine the qualifications of persons applying for certificates, shall make rules for examinations and shall appoint three examiners whose duty it shall be at stated periods to conduct examinations. I t also gives to the University large discretion through established regulations, in waiving parts of examinations to applicants with five successive years' experience as public accountants.
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