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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

458 R. E. Brand UNIVEES1TY OF ILLINOIS. [May 2 Assistant in Dairy Husbandry in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) ^... t .$ 840 R. B. Howe Assistant in Pomology in the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) 1,200 ( B. S. Pickett Instructor in Pomology in the College of Agriculture and First Assistant in Pomology in the Agricultural Experiment Station (.12 mos.) 1,400 O. S. Watkins Assistant in Chemistry in the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) 1,200 . .. (Vice Trueman) .Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry in the College of Agriculture and in the Agricultural Experiment Station I.S.Brooks Assistant in Olericulture in the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos) 900 Anna R. Van Meter. Assistant Professor of Household Science 1,500 Susannah Usher.... Assistant Professor of Household Science (increase in salary) 1,500 Helena M. Pincomb.Instructor in Household Science for Secondary Schools 1,500 Charlotte Gibbs... .Instructor in Textiles . 1,200 Jessie E. Morrow. .Assistant in Household Science (half time) 400 T. J. Barrett Assistant in Botany in the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) T 1,200 Stenographer (part time) (12 mos.)... . 270 D. O. Barto Instructor in Secondary School Agriculture (12 mos.) 1,500 Professor of Human Nutrition 2,500 F, H.Rankin Superintendent of Agricultural College Extension (12 mos.) 2,500 Donald Mcintosh . .Professor of Veterinary Science in the College of Agriculture and Veterinarian in the Agricultural Experiment Station 2,500 Catherine M. Mclntyre Secretary to the Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) 1,500 Stenographer in office of Director of Experiment Station (12 mos.) 780 W. L, Pillsbury. .. .Editor for Agricultural • Experiment Station (12 mos.) 300 H- L. Rietz Statistician for Agricultural Experiment Station (12 mos.) 700 S. W. Shattuck... .Business Manager Agricultural College and Experiment Station (12 mos.) 200 Addie F, Wilson Stenographer (12 mos.) 300 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. (All appointments in this department are for twelve months beginning July 1, 1908.) Herbert F. Moore.. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics with rank of assistant professor 2,000 John M. Snodgrass.In Mechanical Engineering with rank of associate . 1,800 2 Dun A. Abrams.... Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, with rank of associate 1,380 Thomas H. Amrine.First Assistant in Electrical Engineering .<. 1,140 Ward R. Robinson. .First Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1,260 Franklin W. Marquis First Assistant, Railway Engineering 1,260 Kenneth G. Smith.. Engineering Experiment Station Extention, with rank of Assistant Professor "of Mechanical Engineering, September 1, 1908 to August 31, 1909 1,800
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