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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 449 Dr. Kemp asked whether or not there were any charges on file against him, and was answered by the president of the board that no charges had been made against him. Dr. Kemp took exception to the statement in paragraph number four on page 449 of the minutes of April 3, 1908, and was given leave to file with the board a statement of his objections. Dr. Kemp then made a statement with regard to the communications which he had sent the president and the board. After this statement he said that he had asked certain persons who were familiar with his work at the University of Illinois to make statements with regard to the same and requested that they be heard by the board. On motion of Mrs. Evans it was voted that the persons named by Dr. Kemp be asked to tell of Dr. Kemp's work as Professor of Physiology in the University of Illinois and of the Department of Physiology. Mr. E. K. Hayhurst, Dr. 0. 0. Stanley, Dr. J. H. McClellan, and Mr. F. A. Sager were heard. 'After the hearing of these persons and a further statement by Dr. Kemp> President James made a statement with regard to the questions raised by Dr. Kemp's communications, and offered the following for consideration by the board: WHEREAS, Dr. George T. Kemp, Professor of Physiology in the University of Illinois, has addressed certain communications to the Board of Trustees of the University and to President of the University in which he has set forth at length certain complaints and grievances as to the treatment accorded him by the administration of the University, and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees have given due and, ample consideration to this matter in three separate sessions held on different days over an interval of more than six weeks, and WHEREAS, the said Board of Trustees have given Professor Kemp a personal hearing at two distinct sessions of the Board; Therefore, Be it voted that said Board of Trustees do not recognize that Professor Kemp has any real cause for grievance against the administration of the University. Mr. Madden moved that this be adopted by the board. The yeas and nays being called for, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Madden, Blair, Abbott and Lehman; nays, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Busey and Mr. Hatch, and the motion was lost. Mr. Lehman gave notice of a motion to reconsider. T H E UNIVERSITY ON THE CARNEGIE FOUNDATION. With regard to the communication by the president relative to putting the University on the Carnegie Foundation (see paragraph number eight, page 448), the following was adopted: Voted that the President of the University be authorized to request the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Foundation to place the University of Illinois upon the list of institutions to whose professors retiring allowances may be granted under the rules of the foundation. 29—U
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