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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

448 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [April 23 Voted on motion of Mrs. Busey that said recommendation be approved and the President be authorized to confer said degree at the approaching commencement. LOCATION OF GREENHOUSES. 6. A communication from Professor J. C. Blair, approved by Dean Eugene Davenport, concerning the location of the new greenhouses, the cost of which is provided for by the appropriation for the support of floriculture, made by the last legislature: URBANA, I I I . , April 22, 1908. Professor Eugene Davenport, Dean and Director, DEAR SIR—I transmitto you herewith a blue print of the University grounds upon which I have indicated the proposed location for o'ur new greenhouses. This location is southwest of our present horticultural building in what is known as Plat "C" of our horticultural grounds. We propose to face it north with its center seventy-five feet south and one hundred seventy-five feet west of the southwest corner of the horticultural building. This location is west of the apple orchard which faces Wright street in the southeast corner of our grounds. The location is not ideal as the ground now lies but, with a fill of some 900 cubic yards of earth which can be taken from the plat at the west, can be made entirely satisfactory. The main reason for this location is that it is within reasonably easy reach of sewerage and water connections—two important items for such a structure. Again, there is no place that we could select upon the grounds where our present horticultural plantings would be so little disturbed. I trust that this proposed location will meet the approval of the Board so that work can be started without further delay. Yours very truly, J. C. BLAIR. I join in the above recommendation. E. DAVENPORT. Voted that the communication be referred to the combined Committees on Agriculture and Buildings and Grounds for report. After a short recess, upon a verbal report from the committees made by Mr. Hatch, and upon his motion, the proposed location was approved. SOUTH FARM LINE PENCE. 7. A statement in regard to the construction of the line fence on the south farm. It was voted that Judge Harker be requested to bring suit for damages against Mr. Sullivan for tearing down a line fence, unless a satisfactory agreement with regard to the line be made with him. • STATE UNIVERSITIES ON CARNEGIE FOUNDATION. 8. A statement concerning1 the probable placing" of the State universities upon the list of institutions accepted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as an institution, the members of whose faculties will be given the privilege of retiring allowances under the rules of the board. For action taken later with regard to this matter see page 450. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DR. KEMP. 9. Professor George T. Kemp is present and desires to be heard upon the subject of his recent communications to the President of the University and to the President of the Board of Trustees.
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