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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

20 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 25 PAPER L—RECEIPTS OF T H E C H I E F CLERK F O R T H E T H R E E MONTHS ENDING J U N E 30, 1906. University fees Academy fees... Locker f e e s . . . . , Students' deposits Diploma fees 3 ..... Buildings and grounds .H e a t and light.. .-.Agricultural C o l l e g e . . . Departments V. Laboratories Library and apparatus Incidentals ., Summer session fees Edward Snyder f u n d . . . . . . Edward, Snyder fund, interest. Accountancy Blue printing School of m u s i c . . . . . . . . W a t e r survey, receipts Ceramics, receipts Chicago Cold Storage C o m p a n y ;. United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station, farm F e e d i n g experiment, receipts Soil investigation, receipts Dairy investigation, r e c e i p t s . . . . Agricultural College, equipment, receipts Interest on land contracts ........ Installation printing ' ...........; .'. *. .• '. —. ............; •....: ;..... , ,.. . $5,016 75 317 50 89 75 1,008 38 1,870 00 414 96 660 31 5,090 191,603 98 159 74 40 00 50 47 2,231 75 392 21 54 42 150 00 281 42 26 50 83 34 555 00' 500 00' 370 44. 8,995 59^ 376 32 20 00 1,321 03 35 00 52 44 $31,767 49- Paper M is a list of the general University vouchers presented for audit, •being" Nos. 5901 to 8500, inclusive. Paper 0 is a list of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station, vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 232 to 345, inclusive. Paper P is a list of the School of Pharmacy vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 202 to 248, inclusive. Paper Q is a list of the College of Medicine vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 1009 to 1353, inclusive. Paper I? is a statement of the Edward Snyder Loan Fund to June 30, 1906. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTTJCK, Comptroller. MATTERS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT—Continued, CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT. 18. The professors in the Department of Chemistry have signed a request which is approved by the dean of the College of Science, that the University secure the services of Dr. W. A. Noyes, of Washington, D. C., as head of the Department of Chemistry and director of the chemical laboratory. Voted that the president be authorized to offer the position of professor of chemistry, head of the Department of Chemistry and director of. the Chemical Laboratory to Dr. W. A. Noyes, at a salary of $4,000 per year, with the understanding that Dr. Noyes may defer, if necessary, the actual taking up of the work of the post until Sept. 1, 1907, and that the salary may begin when he takes up work at the University.
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