Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

440 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [April 3 . 9. The department of agriculture requests that Dr.' Herman B. Dorner be appointed instructor in floriculture in the College of Agriculture and assistant in the Agricultural Experiment Station at a salary of $1,200 a year, work and salary to begin as soon as Dr. Dorner can reach us, which will not be far from April 1. Toted that the said recommendation be approved and that Dr. Dorner be appointed to said position at the salary indicated. 10. The Dean of the College of Engineering approves a request of Professor Carman that the work of the department of physics be extended by the appointment of an associate professor of mathematical physics; further that the position be tendered to Dr. Max Abraham, at present professor extraordinary of the mathematical physics at the University of Gottingen; arid that the appointment be for the term of two years from Sept. 1, 1908, the salary during this term to be $2,000 a year and to begin when Dr. Abraham reports for work. ' Voted on motion of Mr. Blair, that said recommendation be approved. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND GERMANIC PHILOLOGY. 11. A recommendation from Dean Kinley of the graduate school that the Journal of English and Germanic Philology which was conducted by the late Professor Gustaf E. Karsten be taken over by the University and that the publication of this Journal be continued by the University. He recommends that $1,200 or such part thereof as may be necessary in addition to the receipts from the publication, be appropriated from the funds of the Graduate School to publish this journal during the University year 1908-09; the receipts from publication to be turned over to the Comptroller as received, and credited to the Graduate School fund on account of publication. Voted on motion of Mrs. Alexander that the recommendation be referred to the Committee on Publication with power to act.* LABORATORY DEPOSITS. 12. A communication from the Council of Administration calling attention to the somewhat varying practice with regard to students' deposits, and asking authority to regulate this practice in the interest 6f uniformity. Voted on motion of Mrs. Alexander that the Council of Administration be authorized to prepare a set of rules governing such deposits, to be submitted to the Board of Trustees for their approval. PAYMENT OF FEES. 13. A communication from the Council of Administration recommending that the following rules should be adopted with reference to the payment of University fees. All University fees shall be paid each semester in advance. On arrival each year the first duty of the student, old or new, is to present himself for enrollment and to pay the regular fees for the current semes.ter, after which he shall be entitled to submit his study list for approval, and to enter classes. Second semester fees shall be paid before the close of the first semester, and every student who has not paid his fees before the opening of the second semester shall be excluded by order of the Comptroller's office, directed to the Dean of the College in which the student has been registered until such time as said fees may have been paid! *The Committee on Publication at a meeting held immediately after the adjournment of the Board meeting approved the recommendation of Dean Kinley.