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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

438 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, [April 3 As Dr. Kemp for some reason did not appear, the further consideration of this question, after considerable discussion, was postponed on motion of Mr. Lehman until the next meeting of the board. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois held September 29, 1908, it was voted to substitute for the paragraph numbered four and the following paragraph this: The matter of Dr. Kemp's communication which had been ]ef t as unfinished business from the last meeting was called up. Dr. Kemp was not present, not having" been notified. After considerable discussion of the case, on motion of Mr. Lehman a further consideration of the question was postponed until the next meeting of the board. 5. The position of assistant professor in the classical department has been vacant for a year. We have been in patient search of a suitable candidate. We are now ready to make a recommendation. I desire authority to offer an assistant professorship in the classics in the University of Illinois to Dr. David Mi Robinson of Johns Hopkins University at a salary of two thousand dollars per year, work and salary to begin Sept. 1, 1908. I recommend that this matter be referred to the committee of instruction with power to act. Voted on motion of Mr. Blair that the recommendation be approved.* IMPORTATION OF CHEMICALS.. 6. Professor Noyes requests authority for the Purchasing Agent to give an o„rder for the importation of chemicals. His estimates were not completed until within two days and it is necessary to give the order as soon as possible so that the.chemicals may be on hand for the coming year. The order amounts to about eight thousand five hundred dollars. Voted on motion of Mr. Lehman that the purchasing agent be given •such authority. THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY. 7. On the afternoon of Thursday, April 30th, we propose to hold a University convocation in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the opening of the University of Illinois. The committee in charge of this occasion have felt that it would be a very desirable thing to give it somewhat the form of a tribute to Dr. Burrill, and they suggest that the University cause a gold medal to be struck in commemoration of this occasion and of Dr. Burrill's long connection with the University. Voted on motion of Dr. Davidson that the President of the University be given authority to have such medal prepared and struck. GRADUATE SCHOOL 8. The Board set apart last year from the Graduate School fund $20,000 for fellowships and scholarships for the present year in addition to the University fellowships—eight in number—to the annual value of $300 per year, and the fellowships established in the Engineering Experiment Station already provided for. The executive faculty of the Graduate School recommend the same appropriation for the present year and that the following persons be appointed to the fellowships and scholarships at the stipends set opposite their names; and that the President of the University be given authority to appoint to the fellowships* and scholarships which may become vacant and to the fellowships which have not been filled, upon the recommen'dation of the executive faculty of the Graduate School. * At a meeting of the Committee on Instruction held immediately after the adjournment of the board meeting, his appointment was authorized.
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