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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 437 The Trustees on motion of Mrs. Alexander went into executive session for the consideration of the recommendation. At the close of the executive session a recess was taken until 2:00 o'clock, p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. When the board convened after the recess the same members were present as in the morning. The two following resolutions were presented to the Secretary for •official record in the minutes as having been adopted by the unanimous vote of the trustees in executive session: 1. Voted that the Board of Trustees of the University of- Illinois hereby reaffirm their approval of the general university policy thus far developed by the President of the University. 2. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois desires "to Tecord by formal vote at this time their high appreciation of the present President of the University, Dr. Edmund J. James, and to express in this way. the high value they place upon 'his sound judgment, unwearied industry, and absolute devotion to the interests of the University. VETERINARY COLLEGE. 2. Mr, Edward Tilden has sent me a letter informing* me that the gentlemen in Chicago who were interested in the establishment of the veterinary -college and research laboratory, for which the last Legislature appropriated $30,000, are now ready to advance the money as it may be needed for the erection and equipment of the necessary buildings. The manager of the Union Stock Yards assures me that the Union Stock Yards Company is ready to make a lease of the site upon which these buildings are to be erected. Although the legal formalities have not been as yet entirely complied with it is necessary to take up in earnest the question of organizing and putting into operation this important department of the University. I desire authority from the Board X>i Trustees to make a tour of inspection of veterinary colleges and research laboratories in this country and in Europe preparatory to making a report upon the organization of the new department, the expenses to be charged to the appropriation for the veterinary college and research laboratory made by the last Legislature, I should expect to make this trip during the summer vacation, though it might be necessary to run over somewhat into the autumn in order to make the inspection satisfactory. Voted on the motion of Mr. Blair that the recommendation of the president in this matter be approved. # 3. The Executive committee at its meeting in February decided to continue the salary of Professor Karsten for the month of February to his widow, and referred to the Board of Trustees the question whether the salary should be continued to the end of the present academic year. The board at its last meeting deferred action on the subject until this meeting. Voted on motion of Mr. Lehman that the Attorney General be asked -whether the University would have authority to make such a grant. v 4. Dr. Kemp has made certain charges against the administration of the University which he desires shall be heard. A hearing was given at the last meeting of the board and final action was postponed until the present meeting. Dr. Kemp has submitted a further communication, a copy of which was sent to the president of the University and the president of the board. I understand that he desires to be heard further upon the same subject.
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