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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAKD OF TRUSTEES. 435 Paper O is a list of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station vouchers presented for audit, being NoS. 93 to 179, inclusive. Paper P is a list of the School of Pharmacy vouchers presented for audit, "being Nos. 71 to 166, inclusive, Paper Q is a list of the College of Medicine vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 265 to 538, inclusive. Paper B is a letter from W. B. Day, Actuary, with papers in regard to' the erection of a fire escape. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTTCK, Comptroller. APPROPRIATIONS. Appropriations were made as recommended in paper "I" on motion of Mr. Lehman. F I R E E S C A P E ON P H A R M A C Y B U I L D I N G . I t was ordered t h a t an additional fire escape be put on the Pharmacy Building in Chicago. B O I L E R I N S P E C T I O N AND INSURANCE. A bill for inspection and insurance of the boilers, $250.00, for inspection and insurance to the amount of $25,000.00 for three years was ordered paid on motion of Mr. Hatch. STANDING COMMITTEES. President Abbott has reported to the secretary the following list of Standing Committees for the ensuing year: Agriculture—Fred L. Hatch, Chairman; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, George H. Madden. Buildings and Grounds—William L. Abbott, Chairman; Fred L. Hatch, L*ewis L. Lehman, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander. Finance—Lewis L. Lehman, Chairman; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, George H. Madden. Instruction—Frank G. Blair, Chairman; Mrs. Mary E. Busey, Dr. Charles Davison. Publication—Mrs. Laura B. Evans, Chairman; Frank G. Blair, -Dr. Charles Davison. Library—Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, Chairman; Fred L. Hatch, Frank G. Blair. Students' Welfare—Mrs. Mary E. Busey, Chairman; Mrs. Laura B.. Evans, Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander. School of Pharmacy—Dr. Charles Davison, Chairman; William L. Abbott, Mrs. Laura B. Evans. College ofMedicine—Dr. Charles Davison, Chairman; William L. Abbott, Mrs. Laura B. Evans. Engineering—Lewis L. Lehman, Chairman; William L. Abbott, Fred L. Hatch. The board adjourned. W. L. P I L L S B U R Y , W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President.
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