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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. Paper -B—Continued. 431 Received. E x p e n d e d . Balance. 1905-1907. $4,000 00 $10,000 00 $100,000 00 $10,000 00 $3,000 00 1907-1909. $2,500 00 $1,500 00 $7,172 50 $7,500 00 $5,000 00 $1,500 00 $3,841 03 $818 88 $14,345 00 $8,284 36 $6,325 94 $305 34 $5,006 88 $3,750 00 $10,000 00 $3,000 00 $10,000 00 ,$3,000 00 $10,000 00 $4,710 54 $9,673 14 $2,382 95 $4,358 64 $3,895 90 $6,327 76 $11,600 00 $2,500 00 Engineering Extension— E x p e r i m e n t Station Architecture Civil engineering" Electrical engineering Fellowships Mechanical engineering Railway e n g i n e e r i n g College in general General engineering drawing Physics Laborator}? of Applied Mechanics Unassigned $7,810 16 1,001 19 1,568 65 3,789 22 ' 700 00 4,051 32 394 59 374 55 245 44 132 86 801 85 4,130 17 $25,000 00 ^Agricultural Experiment Station— F e e d i n g experiments T r e a t m e n t of orchards Soil examinations Dairy investigations Crop experiments $1,920 00 $7,810 16 1.00119 1,568 65 3,789 22 700 00 4,051 32 394 59 374 55 245 44 132 86 801 85 $20,869 83 $580 00 $3,672 24 $326 86 $617 05 $11,641 36 $1,194 66 $681 12 $4,000 00 $10,000 00 $93,015 92 $10,000 00 $3,000 00 $6,984 08 4,130 17 $4,130 17 $12,500 00 7,500 00 12,500 00 7,500 00 7,500 00 3,750 00 $25,000 00 $18,059 99 5,651 83 16,836 03 10,909 51 7,266 15 1.149 82 $16,853 10 $7,983 67 7,712 37 $15,696 04 $1,848 17 233 85 2,600 18 $8,146 90 Interest on endowment— Agricultural College $7,983 67 7,983 68 $15,987 35 $271 31 $271 31
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