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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

430 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. LMar. 10 Paper A- -Concluded. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. December 31, 1907. Sundries— Concluded. H i g h school conference High school oratorical contest History Library school Mathematics Modern languages Nutrition investigation Physical training, men Psychology Rebates to students School of Music Soil examination receipts Students' welfare Summer session T . A . Clark's office Treatment of orchards receipts Water survey .receipts W o m a n ' s Hall Overdraft, nutrition fund , $ 750 00 $ 627 51 400 00 2 75 50 00 1 40 500 00 72 20 200 00 48 95 100 00 100 00 15,000 00 15,392 81 1,000 00 577 96 1,000 00 30 22 350 00 123 27 4,000 00 1,062 17 600 00 192 52 355 62 9 89 92 75 1,000 00 1,000 00 295 93 1,000 00 651 67 500 00 220 78 1,475 83 488 82 500 00 187 50 500 00 42 55 392 81 $86,898 75 $ 122 397 48 427 151 49 25 60 80 05 ... 422 04 969 78 226 73 2,937 83 407 48 345 73 907 25 704 07 348 33 279 22 987 01 312 50 457 45 $41,147 32 $128,046 07 PAPER B—STATE A P P R O P R I A T I O N S . Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. December 31, 1907. 1901-1903 Taxes on Minnesota lands 1903-1905 Vaccine laboratory . 1905-1907 Ajjparatus and Material— Closed out Applied chemistry Geology Psychology $4,350 00 950 00 200 00 500 00 1:000 00 $4,350 00 835 33 54 52 440 28 $5,680 13 $2,000 001 $2,000 00 $3,000 00 $3,000 00i , $114 67 145 48 59 72 $319 87 1905-1907 Engineering Extension— Closed out College in general General engineering and drawing Physics Laboratory of applied mechanics. E x p e r i m e n t station , $57,500 00 6,000 00 1,000 00 11,000 00 9,000 00 65,500 00 $150,000 OOj $57,500 00 6,000 00| 1,000 00 11,000 00 9,000 00 65,500 00
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