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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PKOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 429 President James presented a request from Professor Kicker, approved by Dean Goss, for the appointment of L. H. Pro-vine, Instructor in Architecture, at a salary of $150 a month from the time when he commences work until the 30th of June. The appointment was made. EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER. The Comptroller, Professor S. W. Shattuck, made the following report, which was referred to the Finance Committee: UEBANA, I I I . , March 10, 1908. W. L. Abbott, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: SIB—I have the honor to hand yon herewith the following financial statements and papers: Paper A is a statement of the current appropriations December 31, 1907. Paper B is a statement of the State appropriations December 31, 1907. Paper C is a statement of the United States fund December 31, 1907. Paper JE is a statement of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station appropriations December 31, 1907. Paper F is a statement of the School of Pharmacy appropriations December 31, 1907. Paper G is a statement of the College of Medicine appropriations December 31, 1907. Paper H is an estimate of the receipts and expenses for the six months ending June 30, 1908. Paper I is a list of the appropriations the Board is requested to make at this time. Paper L i s a report of the receipts by the chief clerk for the three months ending December 31, 1907. PAPER A—CURRENT APPRORIATIONS. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. December 31, 1907. Salaries for instruction , Salaries for services Buildings and grounds , H e a t and l i g h t . . . Stationery and printing A c a d e m y salaries Agricultural College Departments ' Laboratories Incidentals .• Library a n d apparatus Sundries— Academy Accountancy Agricultural College equipment receipts Alumni Quarterly Art and design Blue printing Ceramics receipts Classics Corn experiments receipts Dairy investigation receipts Debating and oratory Editing catalogue : Education Edward Snyder fund, principal Edward Snyder fund, interest English F e e d i n g experiments receipts Furniture and fixtures $ 5,780 97 $ 5,780 97 3.170 661 3,170 " 3,564 60 3,564 601 903 71 903 71 222 86 222 861 •4,970 001 4,970 00 11,346 11 10,132 01 $1,214 10 8,000 00 7,398 79 601 21 14,000 00| 12,665 92 1,334 08 3,000 00 2,145 13 854 87 1,000 00 235 18 764 82 600 Oo| 1,961 26 9,259 61 1,000 00 300 00 800 00 448 69; 100 00 4,570 76| 3,697 61 400 00| 500 00 1,000 00 3,393 32 319 84 50 00 3,853 26 9,158 55 353 96 381 88 1,268 90 500 00 140 91 769 57 141 691 100 00 207 50 1,586 71 157 15 5 50 161 57 2,700 00[ 300 00 25 50 439 16 6,247 27l 246 1,579 7,990 500 159 30 307 4,363 2,110 242 494 838 693 19 24 3,414 2,911 04 38 71 00 09 43 00 26 90 85 50 43 32 84 50 10 28
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