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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

18 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 25 Paper B—:Concluded. Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. 1905-1907. Operating Expenses—Concluded. H i g h school conference . . . History... .. Illini Illio Installation printing , Library supplies Library School Lectures Latin Military and band scholarships . Oratorical contest Physical t r a i l i n g , men Physical training, w o m e n . . . . . . Physiology. ... Psychology Rhetoric Stationery and printing.'. Summer School Zoology... University Studies Law School Overdraft $ 400 29 46 37 200 00 200 00 319 98 533 56 70 71 1,220 24 75 1,296 00 352 69 1,876 19 169 84 800 00 200 00 11 90 4,428 23! "6,690 001 160 74 214 20 • 221 25 6,659 38 $ 400 29 46 37 200 00 200 00 319 98 533 56| 70 71 1,220661 24 75 1,296 00| 352 69 1,876 19 169 84 800 00 200 0G 11 90 4,428 23 6,690 00 160 74 214 20| 221 25 $350,000 00 $350,000 00 PAPER C—UNITED STATES FUND. Appropriated. J u n e 30, 1906. General.... ....; Agricultural College. Expended Balance. $12,500 00! $12,500 00 12,500 00 12,500 00 $25,000 00 $25,000 00 PAPER E—UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Appropriated. J u n e 30, 1906. U. S. Fund— Salaries ; Labor Publications Postage and stationery F r e i g h t and express Heat, light and water Seeds, plants and sundries Fertilizers Library Tools, implements and machinery Furniture and fixtures Sci entitle apparatus Traveling expenses Contingent expenses Buildings and repairs $ 8,103 19 3,127 16 1,353 63 762 51 271 81 120 00 524 20 3 35 28 88 60 00 179 23 5 10 148 76 263 48 44 56 4 14 $15,000 00 Farm Fund— Sundries... .'.' $ Expended. Balance. ... $ 8,103 19 3,127 16 1,353 63 762 51 271 81 120 00 524 20 3 35 28 88 60 00 179 23 5 10 148 76 263 48 44 56 4 14 $15,000 00 697 65 468 53 J97 65 '$. 158 53 $1,156 18 $ 1,156 18
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