Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Mar. 10 Meeting of March 10, 1908. When the board was called to order there were present Messrs. Abbott, Davison, and Hatch, and Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. Busey. Mr. Lehman came in a little later. President James was present. President James called the attention of the board to communications from Dr. Kemp, Professor of Physiology, copies of which had been given to the members of the board. Dr. Kemp had asked for a hearing by the board and President James stated that he wished to have Dr. Burrill, Professor Forbes and Dean Townsend heard also; and as it was found that Dr. Burrill and Professor Porbes were to go away at 11:00 o'clock it was decided to have the hearing at once. The hearing lasted until noon, and without action upon the questions raised a recess was taken until 2:00 p. m. By action of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois taken at its meeting of September 29, 1908, changes were made in the minutes as follows: At the end of the first line of the second paragraph above, tlie words "the following*" were inserted. In the second line of the same paragraph the word "communications" was changed to "communication." For the paragraph "the hearing lasted/' etc., the following was substituted : Dr. Kemp made a brief preliminary statement after which he was excused with the understanding that he would be called again. The hearing of these gentlemen and the consequent discussion lasted until noon, when a recess was taken until 2:00 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. When the board convened after the recess the same members were present as in the morning. PHYSICS BUILDING. Plans for the Physics Building were presented by the architect, Mr. Zimmerman, and were adopted on motion of Mr. Lehman.