Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE DEPARTMENT. 421 Mr. Blair, Chairman of the Committee on Instruction, made the following report and moved its adoption. The motion prevailed. CHICAGO, January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee has read and considered the "Plan for the Further Development of the Household Science Department" and makes the following" recommendations: 1. We recommend the further development of the extension work "in connection with high school instruction in household affairs; in the form of farmers' and teachers' institute addresses and a winter school for housekeepers." 2. We recommend strongly the plan for the preparation of teachers in these subjects for colleges and high schools and supervisors for this work in the elementary schools, provided that in no case shall the teacher's diploma be granted until the candidate has earned the college degree. 3. We recommend a course of lectures and demonstrations by some member of the faculty of some nurses' training school of good standing connected with some metropolitan hospital. 4. We recommend the establishment of research work in foods and that such work be offered by the Graduate School. 5. We recommend that the expense incurred in carrying out these recommendations be paid out of the special appropriations for instruction in household science. Respectfully submitted, FRANK Gr. BLAIR,, CHARES DAVISON, MARY E. BUSEY, Committee. SENDING PROFESSOR MUMEORD TO THE ARGENTINE EEPUBLIC. The Committee on Agriculture made the following report: CHICAGO, I I I . , January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Agriculture recommends that Mr. Mosier's salary be made $2,400 from September 1, 1907. Your Committee also recommends that Mr. Fraser's salary be made $3,000 from September 1, 1907. Your Committee reports back the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Animal Husbandry and the Dean of the College of Agriculture that Professor Mumford be sent to the Argentine Eepublic to investigate the present conditions and future prospect of the beef interests there without recommendation. Respectfully submitted, FRED L. HATCH, GEORGE H. MADDEN, MARY E. BUSEY, Committee on Agriculture. The recommendations with regard to Mr. Mosier and Mr. Fraser were severally adopted, on motion of Mr. Hatch. I t was also voted, on motion of Mr. Hatch, that Professor Mumford be sent to the Argentine Eepublic to make the investigation proposed, and that $1,500 be appropriated to cover his expenses. The board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President.