Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

420 UNIYEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Jan. 25 The secretary presented a notice that Mr. Hay's bond as purchasing agent would expire February 12th, and it was ordered that the bond be renewed for the present amount, $15,000, and that the premium of $25 be paid. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE}. UBBANA, I I I . , Dec. 27, 1907. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: At a meeting* of your Executive Committee, held at the University today r the following" communication was received from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds: AUDITORIUM. The following" extras, which have been recommended by the supervisingarchitect, were approved by the committee: For the Auditorium— Matting" $ 53 65 Additional lighting fixtures. 30 00 Extra on tunnel 82 50 A lantern circuit 40 00 Stair enclosure in attic 30 00 Additional hardware 100 00 For Universitg Hall— Window ventilators, amount to be expended at the discretion of the supervising architect 100 00 Respectfully submitted, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The Executive Committee approved the recommendation of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for expenditures as follows: $336.15 as extra for the Auditorium. $100.00 for ventilators in University Hall. It also appropriated $500.00 as an incidental fund for use by Professor White in connection with the Physics Building. The committee also ordered that $25.00 be given the Urbana fire department because of a run made by the department December 21st in response to a fire alarm. Respectfully submitted, W. Iy. ABBOTT, Chairman of Executive Committee. The report of the Executive Committee was approved for record. A motion made by Mrs. Alexander, advising the appointment of a standing committee on the College of Science, was referred to ihe special committee on the revision of the By-laws of the board and the University statutes. r PURCHASES AND LEASES OF LAND FOR THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The question of leases and purchases of land for the use of the Agricultural Experiment Station, with a list of those already made, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture for examination and report. The board took a recess until 2:30 o'clock p. m. When the board convened after the recess the same members were present as before.