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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

408 U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS'. PAPER A—CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS. [Dec. 12 Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. September 30, 1907. Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Building's and grounds H e a t a n d light Stationery and printing Agricultural college Departments Laboratories Incidentals Sundries— Academy Alumni Quarterly Art and design Blue printing and photography Education Edward Snyder fund, principal Furniture and fixtures H i g h school conference Nutrition investigation Physical training', men Rebates to students S u m m e r session T . A . Clark's office Ceramics receipts Corn experiments receipts Dairy investigation receipts F e e d i n g experiments receipts Soil examination receipts , $2,219 72 730 11 1,763 17 258 93 100 83 1,425 00 6,599 06 3,498 13 1,337 82 1,180 16 190 76 $2,219 72 730 11 1,763 17 258 93 100 83 1,425 00 3,853 79 3,498 13 1,337 82 1,180 16 190 76 $2,745 27 * 600 00 130 09 1,789 76 58 05 1,000 00 250 00 * 300 00 3 95 • 400 00 174 77 1,000 00 41 23 2,498 32 800 00 2 70 2 70 750 00 116 55 500 00 5 95 10Q 00 45 8,299 56 3,441 78 1,000 00 22 00 2,000 00 ,385 00 1,000 00 204 68 1.000 00 84 35 448 69 141 69 4,368 73 " 200 00 2,044 45 152 30 2,225 30 416 66 ' 254 78 9 89 1.001 30 834 64 $51,887 28 $24,035 15 469 91 1,731 71 750 00 296 05 225 23 958 77 1,698 32 633 45 494 05 99 55 4,857 78 978 00 1,615 00 795 32 915 65 307 00 4,168 73 1,892 15 1,808 64 244 89 166 66 $27,852 13 PAPER B—STATE A P P R O P R I A T I O N S . Received. E x p e n d e d Balance. September 30, 1907. 1901-1903 $2,000 00 1903-1905 $3,000 00 1905-1907 Appaiattts and Material— Chemistry Applied chemistry Geology Zoology Physiology Botany Psychology ' $1,500 00 950 00 200 00 150 00 700 00 2,000 00 500 00 $6,000 00 $1,500 00 835 33 51 22 150 00 700 00 2,000 00 440 28 $5,676 83 $1,970 27 $1,029 73 $2,000 00 $114 67 148 78 59 72 $323 17
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