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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

406 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. EXHIBIT E—VOUCHERS M I S S I N G J U N E 30,1907. [Dec, 12 N o . 10703 E . J . Lake—Engrossing N o . 11493 Weston Electrical I m p l e m e n t Co.—Repairs. College of Medicine— N o . 1140 Physicians' Supply and Drug Co.—Supplies. N o . 1164 T h e Dental Digest—Advertising N o . 1255 Walter S. Muirhead— Fees refunded N o . 1258 M o n m o u t h College Ravelings—Advertising Vonche? on file—Not approved by Comptroller— N o . 11381 Subscriptton News Co.—Books $ 19 00J u n e , 7 67 J u n e , 1 233 15 10 111 April, 34 April, 00 J u n e , 00 J u n e , 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 22 80 June, REPORT ON UNIVERSITY EXPENDITURES. The comptroller presented copies of reports made to Governor Deneen by F. D. Whip-p, Department and Institution Auditor. On motion of Mr. Lehman it was voted to return to the State Treasury the unused balance of the appropriation made for payment of taxes on Minnesota lands. On motion of Mr. Madden it was voted to return to the State Treasury the balance of appropriations made for the support of a vaccine laboratory, $2,429.73. It was also voted that the comptroller prepare a uniform blank to be used for expense reports. Mr. Whipp's reports and the accompanying papers* were then referred, on motion of Mr. Lehman, to the Committee on Finance. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND METHODS. The president of the bpard presented the following communication: CHICAGO, December 12, 1907. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. The existing' business organization and methods of the University were, in a great measure, fixed by regulation and by custom long before the business of the University attained anything like its present magnitude, and while these methods may have been satisfactory at one time, their inefficiency in some respects at the present time is made manifest by numerous complaints and criticisms which have come both from within and from without the University organizations regarding the practical operation of our present system. This board could, from time to time, make changes in these regulations which would effect an improvement in some directions, but I am of the opinion that better results and more immediate relief would be obtained by referring to a special committee, appointed for the purpose, the whole question of revising our business organization and regulations; the committee to make a thorough examination of our methods and report to the board a recommendation for a complete system of organization and rules governing same. I, therefore, recommend the appointment of such a committee, consisting of the President of the Board, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the President of the University, the Secretary of the Board and the Comptroller of the University; and that an appropriation of $250.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be placed at the committee's disposal for the purpose of employing expert advisers, or for any other purpose which may properly come within the scope of the proposed investigation. Very truly yours, W. L. ABBOTT, President, Board of Trustees.
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