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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 405 E X H I B I T C — R E C O N C I L E M E N T O F CASH* A T C L O S E O F B U S I N E S S J U N E 30TH A N D A U G U S T 1 S T , 1907, Cash in bank per bank statement August 1st Checks—In office Currency—In office Silver—In office .• Change—In office Cash Slips: Expenditures not vouchered Salary warrants cashed General warrants cashed .• $442 97 77 00 56 45 4 20 $396 71 634 77 45 00 $4,377 98 580 62 Less students' deposits included in cash—not charged on cash book A m o u n t of cash on hand August 1,1907 1,076 48 $6,035 08 172 02 $5,863 06 8,000 00 $13,863 06 7,930 40 $5,932 66 5;213 38 Receipts, J u l y 1st to A ugust 1st Cash on hand J u n e 30,1907 Balance as per cash book J u n e 30,1907 Cash over J u n e 30, 1907 Warrant 7628—not charged back on cash book (see A u g . Warrant 7634— not charged back on cash book (see A u g . Warrant 7649—not charged back on cash book (see A u g . Error in addition—cash book March 2,1907 Students' fees not charged on cash book Cash over A u g u s t 1st charged on cash book in A u g u s t 1st) 1st) 1st) and 162 92 285 99 28 75 100 00 48 50 93 12 $719 28 $719 28 E X H I B I T D— R E C O N C I L E M E N T O F B A L A N C E O F H . A. H A U G A N , TREASURER. Ireasurer's books show balance on hand December 31, 1906. Geneial fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy U . S. Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station Receipts January 1 to June 30, 1907— General fund College of M edicine School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station 7,508 3,718 3,200 $413,336 59 $251,838 50,097 4,277 12,817 319,030 86 $732,367 45 Warrants Paid January 1 to June 30, 1907General fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy U. S. Agricultural E:J p e r i m e n t Station. Ex Balance June 30,1907. General fund College of Medicine fund , School of Pharmacy fund , Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station.., Warrants outstanding' unpaid, June 30, General fund College of Medicine School of Pharmacy Agricultural Experimental Station 1907. $443,584 27! 50,471 "" 7,974 39 8,011 881 $510,042 42 $222,325 03 $207,163 7,134 21 8,005 44 45 52! 62' 222,325 03 $57,379 13 3,989 76 735 67 2,761 53 $ 64,866 09 , Balance of H. A. Haugan's account as per books of O. E. Staples, chief clerk, June 30, 1907 Less difference as shown on previous reports. 158,393 62 $223,259 71 934 68 $222,325 03
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