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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOABD OF TRUSTEES. 397 The fourth item with regard to leases and purchases was laid on the table on motion of Dr. Davison, and the President of the University was asked to consult with Judge Harker with regard to the proper procedure in making such leases and purchases. Mr. Hatch moved the adoption of the recommendation with regard to the south line fence, and the motion prevailed. ELECTRIC LIGHTING; FIRE, PROTECTION. The secretary presented the following recommendation from the Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. CHICAGO, I I I . , Dec. 6th, 1907. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. DEAR SIR: Attached is a report of the inspection of the electric light and power wiring in the University building made by Mr. H. B. Gear upon the order of the chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. , After receiving this report I sent a copy of it to the Supervising Architect of the University, directing him to have our entire electric system gone over, and the faults which were pointed out in the report corrected. This report, which comprises eight type written pages, was very thorough, and while many criticisms of the existing conditions were made these criticisms related, for the most part, to minor matters or to a style of work which was acceptable y Bars ago before the art had developed to its present standard. The last paragraph of the report reads as follows: "In general I may say that the condition of the electrical equipment of the University buildings, as a whole, is rather better than in the average group of buildings of its size, and compares favorably with any similar group used for either commercial or educational purposes, with which I am acquainted." As there is no insurance upon the. University buildings, and as the loss by fire of one or more of our buildings would fall ultimately on the State, but primarily on the University, I am of the opinion that it should be the policy of the board, which is responsible for the safety of these buildings to have careful inspections made by disinterested inspectors at least once a year, and, carrying out this idea, I recommend that an appropriation of $50.00 be made to cover the cost of a careful inspection of our fire protection apparatus, and of the general condition of the property as regards fire risks. Very respectfully submitted, • W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman Building and Grounds Committee. The recommendation with regard to an inspection of the fire protection apparatus and the condition of property as regards fire risks was adopted, and the appropriation of $50.00 for the inspection this year was appropriated. The board adjourned to meet at the Palmer House in Chicago' at 3 :00 o'clock p. m. Thursday, December 12, 1907. Adjourned Session, December 12, 1907. When the board met at the Palmer House in Chicago pursuant to adjournment there were present Messrs. Abbott, Davison, Lehman, Madden and Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Busey; absent, Governor Deneen and Messrs. Blair and Hatch. President James was present.
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