Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

392 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 13 4. The Military Commandant requests that the trustees shall establish a first prize to be given "to the winner of the annual individual competitive, drill to be known as the University of Illinois gold medal; further that the Hazleton gold medal which under the conditions made by the donor, is to be worn by the winner only during the school year immediately following the date on which it was won, be awarded .to the cadet winning second place in the individual competitive drill. Voted t h a t this matter be referred, with power to act, to the President of the University, the Military Commandant, and the president of the board. 5. Dr. Dexter resigned his position as Director of the School of Education in the summer. I found it necessary to ask Professor Colvin to assume the duties of director of the school. He has been performing these duties faithfully and will continue them during the present academic year. They have constituted a very serious addition to his burdens. I think he should be remunerated for this extra work. Voted on motion of Mr. Blair that the same remuneration be given him as was given Dr. Dexter, namely five hundred dollars ($500) for the academic year 1907-08. LIBRARY; OFFICES. 6. One of the most serious situations now confronting the University is the equiqment and housing of our University library. We have obtained from the legislature an appropriation for the extension of our collections. The stack room in the library is now full. The reading rooms during the busy hours of the day are practically crowded so as to admit no additional students. Some definite plan ought now to be adopted looking toward an adequate provision for the immediate future. The Council of Administration has considered this matter and makes the following recommendations. 1. That the senate room be provided with book shelves to the height of seven feet or more around the room; that the Dittenberger library be immediately unpacked and housed in these shelves and that if this library should not require the entire shelving, the rest shall be assigned to the department of English or history as circumstances may make most desirable. 2. That the stack room of the library be immediately completed by adding two stacks in the present Library School room. 3. That the offices of the President, the Registrar, the Comptroller, the Purchasing Agent and the Dean of Undergraduates be provided for temporarily in one or the other or both of the new buildings now to be erected, 4. That the Library School be provided for in the rooms thus vacated and that' any rooms not thus required for the Library School be converted into seminar rooms, in accordance with the original plans of the library. I believe that if this recommendation of the Council be followed and these arrangements be completed within a year or fifteen months it will be possible to get the necessary relief from immediate pressure. Voted on motion "of Mr. Lehman that said recommendations of the council of administration be approved and that the president be directed to take the necessary steps toward carrying them into effect, and the money needed for the shelving in the Senate room was appropriated. 7. A report upon the work done by Professor Parr in his coal investigations. 8. The Dean of the College of Engineering, requests that William C. Bradford be appointed as additional assistant in the machine shop from December 1, 1907 to July 1, 1908, at a salary of eighty-five ($85) per month. Voted on motion of Mr. Lehman that said appointment be made.