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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEFS. 387 not been the case in previous experiments of this kind. In the fifth place, the medical examination is much more complete and thorough ^han it has been in previous experiments. \ The best way to give an idea of the extent of the undertaking is to say that there is at present a force of thirty people not including the twenty-four members of the club, working in connection with the research. Their investigation has now progressed far enough to demonstrate clearly that it can be brought in every respect to a successful termination. That being true, the investigation will probably necessitate that all future experiments of the character.of this which we are doing at the University of Illinois will have to be done upon as broad and as rational a basis if they are to be given due credit and received with confidence. Further, the successful terminaiton of our present investigation will undoubtedly, it seems to me, necessitate that experiments done previously to this one will have to be repeated upon a basis at least as rational as that being carried out here at present in order that the results of the earlier work may be duly verified. Yours very truly, ^ H. S. GRINDLEY. RAILWAY TEST CAR OPERATION. 12. A communication from Dean White as to the operation of the railway test car upon the lines of the Illinois Traction System: URBANA, I I I . , October 8, 1907. President E. J. James, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—Dean White has asked me to give you a statement of the facts concerning the refusal of the Illinois Traction System officials to continue ta operate our electric test car. Tuesday, October 1st, Mr. Wenger went to Danville to try to arrange for* a series of tests. He applied for this purpose, as usual, to Mr. Connor, Superintendent of Transportation, who informed him that he had had from Mr. Johnson, General Superintendent, orders not to operate the car. Mr. Johnson was then interviewed and explained that he had received from the General Manager, Mr. Fischer, a letter which stated simply that the test car was no longer to be operated, no reasons for the, order being stated. This order was issued to Mr. Connor about September 23d. After consultation with Dean White, I sent Mr. Fischer a letter, a copy of which is attached. His reply was received this morning and is enclosed. EDWARD C. SCHMIDT, Associate Professor of Railway Engineering URBANA, I:LL., October 4, 1907. Mr. L. E. Fischer, Gen. Man. Illinois Traction System, Danville, III.: DEAR SIR—Upon applying Tuesday to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Connor for permission to begin operating our electric test car for the instructional work of the year, we learned that orders have been issued that the car be not now allowed upon the road. May I ask whether this order applies only temporarily, and, if so, when and under what circumstances we may again be permitted to have the car operated? If the order is to apply permanently I should be glad to know whether anything in the conduct of these tests hitherto has so inconvenienced you as to make the change necessary. If this is the case I am confident that we could remedy such conditions. Very truly yours, EDWARD C. SCHMIDT, Associate Professor of Railway (File E. C. S. 520). Engineering
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