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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 385 It has heen found necessary to make certain readustments in the list of library employes owing to the resignation of three or four people and the transfer of certain persons from one positiop.to another. I beg to call attention to the following changes in the salary list: Elizabeth Forrest has been appointed reference assistant for ten months at $60.00 a month, or total $600.00. I have appointed Helen V. Calhoun order assistant in place of Fanny R. Jackson, resigned, for a period of twelve months at a salary of $65.00 a month, total $780.00. I have appointed Edith L. Spray loan desk assistant in place of Josie B. Houchens, transferred, for the period of twelve months at $60.00 a month, total $720.00. Miss Houchens I have appointed general assistant in place of Sabra L. Nason, with no change in salary. The position to which Miss Forrest was appointed was authorized at the board meeting on July 6th, and Miss Derby was first appointed to that position, but subsequently resigned.. At the same meeting a shelf assistant in library for twelve months at $480.00 was authoriezd. It has been found desirable to divide this amount between two assistants on half time. I have, therefore, appointed .Elmer A. Leslie as shelf assistant on half time for twelve months at $20.00 a month, or total $240.00, and Lea M. Western shelf assistant on half time for twelve months at the same remuneration. I report here for record the scholarships and fellowships which have been granted in the Graduate School: Elizabeth Ruth Bennett, $250.00 scholarship in Mathematics. Lloyd Slote Dancey, $250.00 scholarship in Physics. Anna Edith Day, $250.00 scholarship in Classics. Rosa Sophia Drew, $250.00 scholarship in Botany. Ethel Clara Forbes, $250.00 scholarship in Modern Languages. Bruce Magill Harrison, $250.00 scholarship in Zoology. Carl Henninger, $250.00 scholarship in. Modern Languages. Mabel C. Johnson, $250.00 scholarship in Modern Languages. Seldon Gale Lowrie, $250.00 scholarship in Political Science. Blaine F. Moore, $250.00 scholarship in Political Science. Harry Cleveland Morrison, $250.00 scholarship in Mathematics. Mary E. H. Owen, $250.00 scholarship in Modern Languages. Luther Ewing Petty, $250.00 scholarship in Mathematics. Adaline M. Shoop, $250.00 scholarship in Latin. Carl John Strand, $250.00 scholarship in History. Isabel M. Wait, $250.00 scholarship in Modern Langauges. Paul E. Werckshagen, $250.00 scholarship in German. May Allison, $300.00 fellowship in History. Howard Gray Bronson, $400.00 fellowship in Economics. Clarence Edwin Carter, $500.00 fellowship in History. Alfred Wilhelm Homberger, $300.00 fellowship in Chemistry. Emma Gertrude Jaeck, $300.00 fellowship in German. Adeline M. Jenney, $300.00 fellowship in English. M. A. Lane, $500.00 fellowship in Physiology. Katherine A. W. Layton, $500.00 fellowship in German. Ernest Shaw Reynolds, $300.00 fellowship in Botany. Millicent Stebbins, $300.00 fellowship in German. ^ Edward Beattie Stephenson, $300.00 fellowship in Physics. NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS. 11. Report from Professor Grindley regarding the present status of the. investigations connected with the Nutrition Club and the plan of the nutrition experiments as revised by Grindley, Hawk, and MacNeal: -25U
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