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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907J PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TEUSTEES. MATTERS SUBMITTED BY P R E S I D E N T J A M E S . 381 The president submitted the following matters for consideration: 1. A request from Dean Davenport that a change be made in the plan approved by the board for the construction of a special fire proof vault for the use of the agronomy department, suggesting that experience had shown during the summer that it would perhaps be a better plan to turn over the large vault in the office of the Agricultural College for the use of the agronomy department and build a smaller one on the other side of the room for office use, using some of the funds that would be saved in this way for the division of the main office into smaller rooms. Voted on motion of Mrs. Evans t h a t the communication be referred to the Committee on Agriculture with power to act. MOVING STREET RAILWAY POLES ON GREEN STREET. 2. A request from the Urbana and Champaign Street Railway Company to move the iron trolley poles located along the street railway track across the campus of the University along the line of Greet street extended one foot further back from the track in order to avoid accidents. Voted on motion of Mrs. Busey that said request be granted but that the changes be carried out under the direction of the supervising architect of the TJhiversity and in such a way as not to injure the University property in any manner, and in accordance with plans submitted by the street car company and approved by the supervising architect of the University. USE OP AUDITORIUM BY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY. 3. A request from the Christian Endeavor Society for the use of the Auditorium July 9, 1908. Voted t h a t the president of the University be requested to present a recommendation as to the proper policy of the University in regard to the use of the Auditorium and other University buildings for such purposes. VETERINARY COLLEGE. 4. A statement that the people interested in the establishment of a veterinary college by the University of Illinois in the City of Chicago desire to know whether the University will be willing to undertake the establishment and conduct of a veterinary, college on the terms already suggested, namely a suitable site within the grounds of the Union Stock Yards, rronting on Halsted street and running south from Forty-second for a distance of two hundred and fifty feet, together with the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for the erection and" equipment of buildings. Yoted on motion of Mr. Lehman t h a t the Board of Trustees will undertake to establish and conduct such'a college on the terms mentioned as far as special appropriations may be made by the Legislature for this purpose. 5. A request from Dr^ Charles S. Bacon of the'Medical School that the President of the University participate in the organization of a society in Chicago to aid the University Maternity Hospital. Voted on motion of Dr. Davison t h a t the president may take, such steps in this matter as seem to him wise.
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