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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 375 Paper M i s a list of the general University vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 8351 to 11500, inclusive. Paper 0 is a list of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 251 to 420, inclusive. Paper P is a list of the School of Pharmacy vouchers presented for audit being Nos. 210 to 257, inclusive. Paper Q is a list of the College of Medicine vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 1020 to ) 329, inclusive. Paper H is a statement of the Edward Snyder fund as of September 1, 1907. This shows that there is now on hand for new loans to students $2,498.32. With the approval of the Board legal steps will be taken for the collection of loans No. 61 and 71, as it has been impossible to otherwise collect interest or principal on them. I have to report that the purchase from W. I. Saffell and L. E. Ford of the N. W. U of the N. E. ^ , 19, 9 E. 3d P. M. has been completed and that the abstract and deed for the same are now on file with the Secretary of the Board. Respectfully, submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Comptroller. On motion of Mr. McLean the comptroller was authorized to sue debtors of the Snyder fund at any time delinquent. On motion of Mrs. Evans the regular quarterly appropriations asked for by the comptroller/paper I above, were voted. AUDITORIUM. The secretary has been asked to print here a statement of action taken by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. At a meeting of the Building and Grounds Committee held the evening of September 10th bids were opened for the tunnel from the Agricultural Building to the Auditorium and for the extension of storm water and sanitary sewers. The bids were as follows: BIDS ON SEWER WORK. Storm Water. W . L . Stewart English Brothers R. O. Lovett $1,915 00 2,222 00 1,920 00 2,001 75 • Sanitary. $650 00 • 907 00 606 00 713 00 BIDS ON TUNNEL. Brick. English Brothers J o h n B. Bennett F r e e m a n & Brooks *R O. Lovett $3,760 00 3,276 00 3,494 44 Brick and Concrete. concrete. $3,760 00 3,700 00 4,949 00 $4,574 00 , *Estimated. Bids as submitted was the price per foot.
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