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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907.] P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E BOARD O F T R U S T E E S . PAPER E—UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 373 Appropriated. Expended, Balance. J u n e 27, 1907. United States Fund— Salaries Labor Publications Postage and stationery F r e i g h t and express Heat, light and water Chemical supplies Seeds, plants and sundries Fertilizers F e e d i n g stuffs Library Tools, i m p l e m e n t s and machinery Furniture and fixtures Scientific apparatus • Live stock Traveling expenses Contingent e x p e n s e s Buildings and repairs $ 7,298 19 3,381 ""' 1,356 961 449 06 150 00 120 00 231 60 385 80 17 59 102 001 95 651 435 04 180 001 63 82 300 00 382 61 32 951 16 84 5 7,298 19 3,381 89 1,356 96 449 06 150 00 120 00 231 60 385 80 17 59 102 00 95 65| 435 04 180 00| 63 82 300 001 382 61' 32 95 16 84| $ 15,000 00| $ 15,000 00 Farm Fund— Labor..... Sundries.. $ 1,557 62 1,155 05 $ 2,712 77 PAPER C—UNITED STATES FUND. $ 1,557 62 1,155 05| $ 2,712 67 Appropriated. J u n e 29, 1907. General... Agricultural College.. $12,500 00 12,500 00 $25,000 00 P A P E R G—COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Expended Balance. $12,500 00i 12,500 00| $25,000 00 Appropriated. Expended Balance. J u n e 29, 1907. Salaries for instruction Buildings and grounds F u e l and lights Stationery and printing Laboratories Library Incidentals Advertising School of Dentistry— Instruction Services General Unassigned $ 14,764 64 $ 14,764 64 17,199 26 17,199 26 25,231 97 25,231 97 6,111 58 6,111 58 1,421 37 1,421 37 2,504 21 2,504 21 488 83 488 83 3,785 64 3,785 64 2,246 95 2,246 95 2,627 78 2,627 78 16739 167 39 1,449% 1,449 50 , '. ? 10,430 1,900 6,453 3,216 00 00 99 89 10,430 00 1,900 00 6,453 99 $96,783 11 $3,2i6 89 $3,216 89 $ 100,000 00
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