Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. IS Voted that the request be referred to the Committee on Publicationfor consideration. The director of the Music School requests the appointment of an assistant, in piano at a salary of $400 and recommends Miss Irene Parsons for such ap^ pointment. Voted that the president be authorized to make such appointment.. 17. The comptroller recommends that the salary of Mr. W. B. Day, actuary/ of the School of Pharmacy, be increased from $900 to $1,200. I thiak that Mr. Day should have such increase. I do not think, however,, as matters are now that the University would be justified in appropriating" from its general funds to the support of the School of Pharmacy, and it doe& not appear that the funds of the school for the coming year will justify such increase. I recommend, therefore, that this matter be reserved for consideration another year, when the funds of the school will probably be larger, or the Legislature may have made a special appropriation for the support of the School of Pharmacy. Voted that the recommendation of the president be approved. The board then took a recess to meet at the Beardsley hotel at 6:30 p. m. Evening Session, September 25, 1906. When the board met at the evening session, the same members were present as in the morning. FENCE ON L I N E OF SOUTH FAKM. Mr. Kerrick from the Committee on Agriculture made the following motion, which was adopted: Moved that the Agricultural Department proceed to build a fence on south line of University farm next the Sullivan land, following1 the line occupied by the old fence recently removed. F E E S D U E FROM STUDENTS. The registrar presented statements of fees and deposits due from students of the University, as follows: University and academy students for the second semester of the year 19051906; summer session students for the summer of 1906; Students of the College of Medicine (including the School of Dentistry) for the year ending June 1, 1906, and of the summer session of 1905; Students of the School of Pharmacy for the year ending April 26, 1906. The report was referred to the Finance Committee. TREASURER'S REPORT. The secretary presented the treasurer's report, which was referred to the Finance Committee.