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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

370 Paper A is a statement Paper B is a statement Paper C is a statement Paper E is a statement tion appropriatipns June Paper F is a statement 1907. Paper O is a statement 1907. UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 10 of the current appropriations June 29, 1907. of the State appropriations June 29, 1907. of the United States fund June 29, 1907. of the United States Agricultural Experiment Sta29 , 1907. of the School of Pharmacy appropriations June 29, of the Colleg-e of Medicine appropriations June 29, PAPER A—CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS. J u n e 29, 1907. Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Buildings and grounds Heat and light Academy Departments Laboratories Incidentals Library and apparatus Sundries— Blue printing Furniture and fixtures Summer session Rebates to students W o m a n ' s hall The Technograph Military and band scholarships Edward Snyder fund, interest A d a m s fund Adams fund, receipts • Chicago cold storage School of music Nutrition investigation Editing catalogue Received. E x p e n d e d $28,514 71 $28,514 71 13,863 71 13,863 71 4,030 59 4,030 59 1,792 74 1,792 74 822 32 822 32 9,847 55 9,847 55 33,884 64 33,346 78 8,884 77 8,884 77 17,285 39 17,285 39 4,930 65 4,930 65 428 86 428 86 1,765 38 1,765 38 424 23 424 23 2,235 72 2,265 72 5,088 60 • 5,088 60 204 32 204 32 67 45 67 45 1,494 00 1,494 00 2,096 45 496 69 4,252 32 3,375 00 600 00 600 00 7,000 00 7,000 00 4,242 50 1,036 25 1,036 25 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 1,700 44 300 00 300 00 4,368 73 13,829 73 12,180 58 1,686 68 1,531 20 1,245 33 12 00 •3,129 73 1,134 10 9,259 61 855 00 713 31 1,416 66 665 36 $196,914 63 $166,802 70 Balance. $ 537 87 „ 1,599 76 877 32 4,242 50 3,299 56 4,368 73 1,649 15 155 48 1,233 33 1,995 63 9,259 61 141 69 751 30 $30,111 93 t F e e d i n g experiments, receipts Soil examination, receipts Treatment of orchards, receipts Dairy investigation, receipts Agricultural College equipment, receipts Ceramics, receipts Water Survey receipts T PAPER B—STATE APPROPRIATIONS. J u n e 29,1907. 1901—1903 $2,000 00 1903—1905 ' $3,000 00 $1,620 27 $1,379 73 $2,000 00 Received. Expended. Balance.
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