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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

12 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 25 11. The request from Mr. Tow Ching for a scholarship exempting- him from the payment of his matriculation fee and incidental fee for the period of iour years: Voted that such scholarship be granted. 12. That Dr. Guy Stanton Ford is hereby nominated to a professorship in European history at. a salary of $2,500, beginning September 1, 1906. Voted that Dr. Gruy Stanton Ford be elected to such professorship at the salary mentioned. 13. The secretary of the University of Illinois Club of the East, desires me to extend, on behalf of that club, an invitation to the members of the Board of Trustees to attend the. annual dinner of the club in New York City on Saturday, Dec. 8, 1906. The secretary was directed ^to acknowledge the receipt of the invitation. LIBRARY. 14. It was found necessary to make several changes in the list of instructors in the Library School and assistants in the library, owing to the resignations of certain members. I have made the following1 appointments: Mr. Philip Goulding was appointed catalog* librarian at a salary of $1,200.00; Anna D. White assistant cataloger at a salary of $720.00; Josie B. Houchens loan desk . assistant at a salary of $720.00; Bertha M. Royce instructor in library economy at a salary of $800.00; Grace Derby reference assistant at a salary of $600.00. The librarian urgently repeats her request now for the third time for an additional general assistant for twelve months at a salary of $720.00. It seems to me that this assistant is very much needed, and I recommend that such a position be created and the president be authorized to make an appointment for the coming year. That there be an appropriation of $10,000.00 for books and binding for the academic year 1906-07. The special appropriation has been fully assigned and there are outstanding orders to cover the assignment. Of this $10,000.00 special appropriation it is proposed that$-5,000.00 be expended for periodicals, continuations and binding and $5,000.00 for additional books. Voted that the above appointments be confirmed and that the appropriation of $10,000.00 for books and binding be made. While the appropriation was Tinder discussion the comptroller's report was received and referred to the Finance Committee. Matters relating to the Snyder loan fund and the Michigan telephone bonds were referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Appropriations were made as requested in Paper I. For the report see page 15. 15. Owing to a considerable increase in the number of students taking physiology I recommend that the appropriation made by the board at the last meeting of $400.00 for assistance be increased to $750.00, the money to be distributed by the professor in charge, subject to the approval of the president, in the manner best adapted to secure the most efficient help. I recommend that Mr. O. O. Stanley be appointed instructor in physiology, to be paid by the hour out of the sum appropriated for assistance. Voted that the recommendation of the president be approved. I recommend that the salary of Dr. A. W. Peters, instructor in entomology, be increased by $100. Voted that the recommendation of the president be approved. . 16. Mr. Van den Berg, instructor in piano in the Music School, requests the assistance of the University in the publication of an annual to be known as the Music Lover's Calendar.
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