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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 352 College of Medicine No. • Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What, Amount. 1907 900 March 8 W . J. Almaquist 901 . . d o . . . . . . . . A. C. McClurg & Co Crayon 902 Advertising Lord & T h o m a s 903 ..do T h e W e s t Side Hospital 904 T h e Ritter Dental Supply ..do House 905 T h e S. S. W h i t e Dental Mfg. ..do ..do..: Co 906 Powder, gas bag, etc A. C. Clark & Co 907 ..do Supplies ' Blue Island Specialty Co 908 ..do 909 March 20 L a n g d o n Estate Rent, March, 1907 910 ..do Labor H.W.Cole 911 ..do W. Home 912 ..do R e n t and labor B. G. Bissell 913 ..do Glass H. M. Hooker Co 914 ..do Matchless Metal Polish C o . . . Polish 915 ..do : Northern Picture F r a m e Co .. Frames 916 ..do Coal W . C. L u h n o w Coal Co 917 ..do Hauling cinders Edwin Hair 918 ..do A. B. Dick Co 919 ..do ..do Neostyle Co 920 ..do F r e d Kaempfer ....... Rabbits 921 ..do Formaldehyde West Disinfectant Co 922 ..do 923 ..do Physicians' Supply & Drug Co Silk, etc 924 ..do Fish 925 ..do Groceries 926 ..do Bausch & L o m b Optical Co .. Laboratory supplies 927 ..do Supplies 928 ..do Ernst Leitz 929 ..do Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co 930 ..do Stack Library Bureau 931 ..do Seabury & J o h n s o n Silk worm gut 932 ..do I nstruments V. Muller & Co 933 ..do Marshall Field & Co Muslin, etc 934 ..do H ardware W m . J. Maas 935 ..do 936 ..do Laun dry work Goodhart's Laundry 937 ..do Expenses F . L. Townsley 938 ..do Advertising Cleveland Press 939 ..do T h e American Medc. & P u b ..do lishing Co ..do . 940 ..do Lord & T h o m a s ..do :: 941 ..do Surgical Publishing Co. of ..do ' ' Chicago .. t 942 ..do Supplies 943 ..do Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co. Crowns, teeth, etc 944 ..do Illinois State Reformatory 945 ..do Advertising The Light 946 ..do Lectures Elmer D. Brothers 947 ..do Lantern slides ' F . B. N o y e s 948 ..do Supplies 949 ..do T h e Chicago T o w e l Supply Co 950 ..do Supplies T h e Brewster Dental Co 951 ..do Advertising Frink & Young Co 952 ..do T h e S. S. White Dental Sup953 . . d o . . . . . . . . T h e Hamblin P l u m b i n g C o . . Labor and material 954 ..do Cameron, Amberg & Co 955 ..do Petty expenses D. A. K. Steele, actuary 956 March SO W. A. Evans 957 ..do do W . T. Eckley 958 ..do A. Gehrmann J-. .. ..do 959 ..do F . E. W y n e k o o p .do 960 ..do do C. C. O'Byrne 961 ..do do 962 ..do George P . Dreyer .do 963 ..do Wilson R. Abbott .do 964 ..do .do Mrs. W . T . Eckley 965 ..do .do H. E . Santee 966 ..do Bernard Fantus .do 967 ..do E. L . H e i n t z .do $ 3 00 1 80 18 75 283 25 12 35 279 64 8 26 6 90 1 25 19 00 22 50 4 50 94 20 2 48 1 00 2 45 629 25 19 75 2 20 2 25 5 50 5 75 22 75 1 70 2 50 3 01 16 55 1 03 32 95 152 38 111 30 2 70 60 59 75 04 3 59 7 07 45 12 2 10 25 00 9 00 15 75 22 50 10 50 41 05 52 60 5 00 150 00 30 25 89 33 43 46 3 83 27 98 172 05 17 33 25 25 364 28 100 00 100 00 66 67 100 00 50 00 50 00 208 33 100 00 16 66 25 00 58 33 20 83 ' 23 U
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