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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

338 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 29 School of Pharmacy No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. 1906 42 Sept. 10 Illinois Pharmaceutical AssoAdvertising ciation 43 ..do ..do * . > . 44 ..do Meyer Bros., Druggist ..do 45 Sept. 29 W . B . D a y Salary, September, 1906 R u d o l p h Meseck 46 . .do 1 Rent, October, 1906 47 Oct. Petty e x p e n s e s 48 ..do Ernst Leitz Microscopes 49 ..do Advertising 50 ..do Merk & Co 51 ..do National Druggist : . . . . ..do ::::::::..:...::..:: 52 ..do ..do 53 ..do American Druggist ..do 54 Oct. 31 W. B. Day, actuary Petty expenses 55 ..do.. . E. H . Sargent & Co Drugs.: 56 ..do C. S. N . Hallberg Salary, October, 1906 57 ..do W. A. Puckner . .do 58 ..do W . B . Day ..do ..do 59 ..do F . M. Goodman 60 ..do H. H . Rogers ..do C. M. Snow ..do 61 ..do : 62 ..do , E. N . Gathercoal ..do A. H . C l a r k 63 ..do ..do Rudolph Meseck 64 ..do ..do 65 ..do 66 ..do Stebbins Hardware Co 67 ..do,, , Hardware, etc 68 ..do . ., T h e Stationery Mfg. Co Stationery 69 ..do Peter Van Shaack & S o n s . . . . Drugs 70 ..do T h e Western Book Bindery .. Paper, etc Drugs, etc Fuller & Fuller 71 ..do 72 ..do T h e Yale & T o w n e Mfg. Co.. K e y s , etc 73 ..do , jSupplies Mandel Bros Dry goods .• 74 ..do M. A . D o n o h u e & Co 75 ..do Groceries. •. 76 ..do Siegel, Cooper & Co T h e Western Druggist Advertising 77 ..do 78 ..do . .do D. O. H a y n e s & Co Churchill & Spalding 79 ..do Lockers City of Chicago 80 ..do Paving a s s e s s m e n t . . . ! Robert L. Benson, agent Rent, November, 1906 81 .do 82 Nov. 10, O. E. Desmond Lumber 83 ..do Electric power Stebbins Hardware Co Hardware 84 ..do Commercial Coal & Coke C o . F u e l 85 ..do R. M. Eddy F o u n d r y Co Dead plate 86 ..do Magie Brothers Oil 87 . .do.. Chas. H . Stadler Boiler repairs 88 ..do 89 ..do J. W . Butler Paper Co 9Q ..do Paper, etc 91 ..do M. A. D o n o h u e & Co Ammonia : 92 ..do General Chemical Co 93 ..do Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co % E . H . Sargent & Co 94 ..do Laboratory supplies . Sankstone's L a u n d r y Washing 95 ..do 96 ..do Carbonate 97 ..do t Superintendent B u r e a u of Water Water Sprinkling. .• T. P . B r a n k e n 98 ..do 99 ..do One-half tuition refunded. .*. Andrew K n u t z e n 100 ..do Petty expenses 101 Nov. 20 Peter Von Schaack & Sons ... Drugs '. 102 Nov. 30 W . B . D a y Salary, November, 1906 103 ..do Rent, December, 1906 104 ..do C. S. N . Halberg Salary, November, 1906 105 ..do W. A. Puckner . .do 106 ..do F . M. Goodman ..do 107 ..do H. H. Rogers ..do 108 C. M. Snow ..do 109 ..do E. N . Gathercoal < do .110 ..do A.H.Clark ..do 111 ..do Rudolph Meseck ..do 112 . .do George J o h n s o n ..do 10 113 Dec. Expenses 114..do llinois & Eastern Coal Co Coal 115'.. do 1 $ 10 00 •22 50 15 00 75 00 60 00 416 66 68 02 266 00 15 00 25 00 33 33 50 00 103 56 509 92 139 08 138 09 121 03 92 06 33 33 25 00 25 00 25 00 60 00 75 00 7 62 32 90 30 00. 22 66 2 40 34 67 1 95 37 15 23 58 4 96 13 83 25 00 75 00 79 20 212 25 416 66 3 88 2 30 4 40 17 40 6 84 1 60 77 10 5 75 6 95 4 38 3 75 40 77 107 36 5 78 3 76 5 25 15 00 37 50 121 59 10 54 121 03 416 66 138 09 138 09 92 06 33 33 25 00 25 00 25 00 60 00 75 00 118 42 127 40 7 20
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