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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1907] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 337 Agricultural Experiment No. Date. To Whom. Station f Warrants—Concluded. For What. Amount. 1907 W a g e s , J u n e , 1907 400 J u n e 29 L. L. Little 401 ..do L. R. L a n g 402 ..do Chas. Miner. ..do 403 .do Chemical Department, U. of I. Chemicals 404 ..do Shorthorn bull J. F . Prather Bran 405 ..do Fred Fisher 406 ..do L. R. L o n g Expenses 407 ..do Wages, J u n e , 1907 J. P . A u m e r 408 ..do J a m e s T . Barrett Expenses 409 ..do G. W . M c W h i n n e y 410 ..do Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co Services 411 ..do Expenses L. D.Hall 412 ..do Photos C. T u e g e l 413 ..do Lumber 414 ..do Josephine Kerr Services Mechanical Engineering 415 ..do Shops Box 416 ..do Hardware T. H.Trevett Laboratory supplies 417 ..do Parke, Davis & Co 418 ..do Support and armo Julien P . Friez 419 ..do Freight and e x p r e s s O. E. Staples, chief clerk 420 ..do $ 24 00 42 60 3 60 40 70 300 00 48 00 10 86 28 33 4 92 38 00 1 67 23 51 17 50 4 35 18 40 7 39 16 35 1 05 7 85 22 28 6 40 SCHOOL OF PHARMACY WARRANTS. No. Date. To Whom. For What. Amount. 1906 1 July 2 ..do 3 ..do 4 ..do 5 ..do 6 ..do 7 ..do 8 ..do 9 July 10 11 ..do 12 A u g . 13 14 ..do 15 ..do 16 ..do 17 ..do 18 ..do 19 ..do 20 ..do 21 ..do 22 ..do 23 ..do 24 ..do 25 ..do 26 ..do 27 ..do 28 ..do , 29 A u g . 30 31 ..do 32 ..do 33 Sept. 34 . .do 35 ..do 36 ..do 37 ..do 38 ..do 39 ..do 40 41 ..do 20 Ceroleum Floor Dressing C o . Pittsburg Plate Glass Co Glass Paint, etc Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co F . V. Moffitt, manager Services S. J. Stebbins Hardware C o . . Supplies Illinois State R e f o r m a t o r y . . . . Printing Advertising H i g h School Life 31 R e n t , August, 1906 Salary, July, 1906 W.B.Day Rudolph Meseck . .do 10 W . B. Day, actuary O. E. Desmond .,. Repairing T h e Gilbert B e n n e t t Mfg. Co. Wire g o o d s Labor and materials S. J . Stebbins Hardware C o . . . Hardware Churchill & Spalding Labor and repairs Paints H e n r y Bosch Co Illinois State Reformatory .-r.. Printing A. Daigger Drugs Fuller & Fuller Co T h e Oliver Typewriter Co P a y m e n t on machine Oil soap M. .H. Fairchild & Bro Advertising M c D o n o u g h & Co T h e P l e x u s ....* . .do H i g h School Life ..do : J. G. McCarthv Labor and materials Rent, September, 1906 31 University of Chicago Salary, August, 1906 W . B. Day Rudolph Meseck . .do W. B. Day, actuary Expenses 10 Illinois State Reformatory Printing Paint, oil, etc '. H e n r y Bosch Co Pittsburg Plate Glass C o Glass Mantles, etc General Chemical Co Ammonia M. L.Barrett & Co Benzole Murray & Nickell Fuller & Fuller Co ..do ' ." * . $ 2 20 1 60 4 95 1 78 3 00 5 15 375 60 7 00 416 66 75 00 60 00 100 12 3 00 7 14 23 48 2 73 2 70 3 34 34 70 ^ 4 10 2 56 59 11 4 38 2 50 15 00 18 75 6 00 106 00 416 66 75 00 60 00 119 61 25 90 7 83 1 10 12 50 3 75 2 75 18 02 27 92 1 75 -22 U
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