Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

320 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 8 General ^University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. 1907 To Whom. F o r What. Amount. 10656 10657 10658 10659 10660 10661 10662 10663 10§64 10665 10666 10667 10668 10669 10670 10671 10672 10673 10674 10675 10676 10677 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 10685 10686 10687 10688 10689 10690 10691 10692 10693 10694 10695 10696 10697 10698 10699 10700 10701 10702 10703 10704 10705 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 10723 10724 10725 10726 10727 June 8 J . D . W h i t e , Agent J.W.Shaw .do June ..doT .do Eimer & A m e n d W . J. Van P e t t e n * Hardware T h e Journal Publishing Co .. Chas. W . Yeck Writing diplomas E. J. Lake Advertising Illinois Agriculturist C. M. McConn Topographic sheets E . B . Van Vleck Traveling expenses O. A. Harker Services Erqest Rickitt Advertising Arthur Verner Hay W m . Muller C h a m p a i g n Gas & Electric Wiring Plumbing Wages, May, 1907 W. C. Colclasure Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . Apparatus Labor and material Harry A. Kuss Alice Kinsey T h e E n g i n e e r i n g M a g a z i n e . . Advertising W. A. K n a p p Salary, J u n e 1-12, 1907, inclusive Carl R. Dick Salary, May 12, J u n e 12,1907 R. W . Flowers Western U n i o n T e l e g r a p h Co Services E. J. Meyers Separators Gould Storage Battery Co Rental Frank Holton & Co Postal Telegraph & Cable Co. W m . T . Shaw Feed F . Fisher Hay Abner Leas Services F . B. V a n Horn . . . Oil cloth M o n t g o m e r y Ward & Co International Forwarding Co. Apparatus Voight & H o c h g e s a n g Dr. F . K r a n t z . .do Printing Illinois State Reformatory W . L . Abbott L. L . L e h m a n . .do Western Society of Engineers Advertising Labor Salary, J u n e , 1907 C. B. Gibbons L e o n B. .Kinsey. ' 20 Danville Street Railway & Oil L i g h t Co E. J. L a k e :.. .. J a m e s A. Rose H e n r y J. L e g o D. W . Ohern Central Electric Works O. E . Staples, chief clerk O. E. Staples, chief clerk , O. E. Staples, chief clerk , Robert C. W a g n e r .'.. O. E. Staples, chief clerk , . . . . T h e Gazette I. B. Altekruse F r e d H . Rankin C. G. H o p k i n s G. H . Clauser Ethel Titus T h e Gazette W . E . Simonds M. T . T r i m b l e J.H.Bryan Gustave Jacobson O. E. Staples, chief clerk Services Coal Drafting Photometers $1,396 64 5 50 42 00 9 00 28 80 250 00 31 75 299 25 20 00 3 45 9 00 38 25 72 50 2 00 17 10 510 00 164 37 32 50 27 63 8 36 6 00 12 50 7 20 11 54 75 00 21 61 16 13 4 54 7 50 44 84 403 53 99 08 19 81 31 50 30 00 38 90 133 04 39 36 71 75 32 46 45 70 30 00 25 98 15 00 5 00 2 00 18 40 19 00 7 25 27 98 10 00 109 15 59 57 186 59 93 72 7 00 977 12 598 95 26 20 68 28 1,000 00 17 80 20 00 554 10 110 00 K6 40 35 04 25 00 2,544 28 47 25 267 51 2 50 • Labor and material American and Pacific Express C o m panies Freight Men's pay roll, May, 1907 '. Hauling Students' pay roll, May, 1907 Printing Field work Services Prinjting ; Refund on examination Rebates to students Hauling Chemical Department, U. of I Chemicals Laboratory of A p p l i e d Me- *.....