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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

306 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [May 10 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. 1907 To Whom. F o r What. Amount. 9617 May 9618 9619 ..do 9620 ..do 9621 May 9622 9623 ..do 9624 ..do 9625 ..do 9626 ..do 9627 ..do 9628 ..do 9629 ..do 9630 ..do 9631 ..do 9632 ..do 9633 ..do 9634 ..do 9635 ..do 9636 ..do 9637 ..do 9638 ..do 9639 ..do 9640 ..do 9641 ..do 9642 ..do 9643 ..do 9644 ..do 9645 ..do, 9646 ..do 9647 ..do 9648 ..do 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 9657 9658 9659 10 T h e Century Co 20 ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do •. 9660 ..do 9661 ..do 9662 ..do 9663 ..do 9664 .do 9665 ..do 9666 ..do., - 9667 ..do 9668 ..do 9669 9670 9671 9672 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do . :. ., - Advertising . .do Taylor Trotwood P u b . Co .. ..do ..do University of Chicago P r e s s . . ..do ..do H o u g h t o n , Mifflin & Co ..do H . R . Pattengill Directory Halftones Apple trees T h e Storrs & Harrison Co Shrubs Trees Stone & Wellington M. Crawford Co '. Plants Filing apparatus Stationery T h e F r i e n d Mfg. Co .^. Sprayer Alex. C. R o b b Lumber T h o s . O . Peirce Hardware Swartz Bros C o p p e r sulphate S. P . T o w n s l e y Feed John Windle Lumber Bowker Insecticide Co Drugs, etc T h e Williams Produce C o . . . . Lead T h e Vreeland Chemical Co .. ..do W e s t & Hall Labor and material . ,N Strainers, etc Sears R oebuck & Co Compasses Illinois State Reformatory Printing Proof sheets '. Geo. A. Ogle & Co C. H . Musgrave Cow peas Sheldon Brick Co Sand Champaign & Urbana Water Co Repairs Leavitt Mfg. Co Augers Outfit W . & L . E. Gurley H. Swannell & Son Drugs, etc T h e Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co Binding, etc Lumber W m . Price Estate Glass, etc Southern Illinois Penitentiary L i m e stone F . K . Robeson Trays, etc D. D. H u n t T. H . Trevett Hardware Northwestern Compo-Board Co Compo-board J. D. Smith F o u n d r y Supply Co. Tools Pulley Becker Brainard Milling Machine Co Wheel, etc T h e Knv-Scheerer Co Models T . B. Pearson, Secretary and Treasurer Holstein-Friesiau Register... Book Burhmeier Book Bindery, ,, Binding .American Guernsey Cattle Book Club A. C. McClurg & Co Books, etc L e m c k e & Buechner." Books Binding Ernst Hertzberg & Sons Books G. E . Stechert & Co Baeder Adamson Co Felt R. H . Slocum Expenses Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric C o , Coke.. Knowlton & Bennett Glass, drugs, etc A. C. Durr Labor and material W. J. VanPetten Mower Fred Medart Covering rings F. A.Hubbell Harris Ice Cream C o Kilborn P h o t o Paper Co Paper Advertising Harry N . Gridley $ , :. 7 50 5 00 4 70 1 43 6 07 5 30 6 30 1 00 48 35 252 18 12 38 19 60 6 45 88 95 94 03 100 00 4 80 7 12 43 47 26 72 3 87 23 25 18 00 10 50 1 65 13 00 3 92 1,091 00 5 00 42 00 10 00 1 00 4 45 33 50 8 10 368 67 9 05 24 30 10 60 10 45 3 00 102 49 17 50 6 07 6 24 16 75 18 50 93 50 3 00 6 00 1 90 3 44 16 187 48 14 14 50 61 76 23 39 25 23 *.... 10 00 59 87 18 20 29 00 18 00 8 50 3 50 2 70 50 00 2 08
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