Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

300 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Apr. 30 General University No. Date. 1907 9174| 9175 9176 9177 9178 9179 9180 9181 91821 Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. To Whom. 9173 A &:.... 9183 9184 9185 9186 9187 9188 9189 9190J .do. 9191 .do. 9192| .do. 9193 .do. 9194 .do. 91951 .do. 9196] .do. 9197 .do. 9198] .do. 9199 .do. 9200| .do. 9201 9202' .do. 9203 9204 .do. 92051 9206 9207 .do. 9208 .do. 9209 .do. 9210| .do. 9211 .do. 92121 .do. 9213 .do. 9214 .do. 9215 .do. 9216 .do. 9217 .do. 9218| .do. 9219 .do. 9220| .do. 9221 .do. 9222 .do. 9223 .do. 9224 .do. 9225 .do. 9226 9227 do. 9228 .do. 9229| 9230 9231 92321 do. .do. 9237 9240| 9241 .do. 9243 CarlR7Dick F . M. Byers J. C. Herbstman H . S w a n n e l l & Son :... Fuller & Fuller Co F . K . Robeson E. M . B u r r & Co W.I.SaffelCo Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co U. of I. Supply Store D.H.Lloyde T h e Alexander L u m b e r C o . . . Ellwange & Barry Illinois State Reformatory Ernst Hertzberg & Sons J o s e p h Baer & Co G. E. S t e c h e r t & Co A. C. M c C l u r g & Co L e m c k e & Buechner Max W e g Teachers College Record T h e Boston Book Co Geo. M. Fisk PaulDelap Bort Myers G e o . A. Huff Chas. A. Ewing, Administrator R. Freidlander & Son C. H . Stoelting & Co Newman Clock Co T h e Urbana Courier Co Foote Mineral Co Library Bureau Monash Younker Co Geo. B. Carpenter & Co Central Electric Co Standard Oil Co Western Electric Co W r i g h t Mfg. C o . . . J a m e s B. Clow & Sons T h e Chas. A. Strelinger C o . . . Riehle Bros.,Testing Machine Co E. E. J o h n s o n S.R.Wright Mittendorf & Kiler W m . Price Estate S h e a S m i t h & Co G. Broes VanDort & Co T . H . Trevett Acheson Graphite Co D.R.Ellis&Co Barnes Crosby Co Jacquin & Co W. W . W a l l s & Co R . S . Wilbur Knowlton & Bennett Amsbary & Sawin Commercial Electric Co American Society of Mechanical Engineers S.E.Huff & C o Kueffel & Esser Co E. H . Sargent & Co Keasby & Mattison Co Foster E n g i n e e r i n g Co Central Electric Works Manning, Maxwell & Moore. Otto Gas E n g i n e Works Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co W e s t Publishing Co C h a s . T . Ripley W . C. Griffith W m . A* Knapp Salary, April, 1907.. .do .do .do Drugs, etc Drugs Dry goods, etc Machine work Hardware Ice Stationery, etc Piano rent, etc L u m b e r , etc Plants, etc Stationery supplies Binding Books do Books, etc Books do Copies ; Books Expenses W a g e s , April, 1907 . .do Balance Salary, April, 1907 . Expenses Book Apparatus Regulators Printing Feldspar Label holders Valves Supplies Cord Oil, etc Supplies Traps, etc Pipe, etc Supplies Pinion Tubing Handles Furniture Glass Pads Books Hardware Electrode Tools Etchings Stationery Lumber, e t c . . Coal Drugs, e t c . . . . Blankets, etc . Brushes Papers L u m b e r , etc. Supplies Apparatus . . . Materials Regulator .... Lamp Oilers Grate bars .... Gage tester ... Subscriptions. stage Expenses $ 9 18 30 20 25 98 5 119 140 23 46 00 00 05 68 60 88 07 16 00 50 66 136 57 99 80 21 10 208 80 411 11 129 15 103 91 164 28 32 82 80 09 10 00 42 83 9 85 16 29 18 29 90 28 10 29 4 85 19 50 30 00 51 50 24 50 7 00 21 60 19 47 9 24 26 50 45 33 10 18 61 20 34 78 5 00 8 44 1 35 55 50 4 00 5 40 67 50 51 09 1 61 8 50 12 50 70 92 14 05 5 00 20 90 6 00 29 21 5 23 23 163 182 32 2 2 3 00 05 41 75 92 25 75 51 00 63 25 36 00 130 00 95 25