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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906 J PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 5 teaching staff of the Academy, acting* principal until further notice, and I recommend that his salary during the time he is acting principal shall be fixed at the rate of $1,500.00 per year. Mr. W. S. Ballard, instructor in biology in the Academy, has resigned since the last meeting of the board. I have appointed Mr. J. P. Gilbert in his place at the same salary, namely, $950.00 per year, beginning Sept. 1, 1906. In order to relieve Mr. McConn of one class, so that he could take up the work of acting principal, I have appointed Mr. Carl VanDoren as assistant in English in the Academy at a salary of $40.00 per month, to begin Sept. 1, 1906. Voted that the action of the president in these matters be approved. THE SPALDING SUIT. 5. A communication from O. A. Harker, Esq., in the matter of a suit of Charles W. Spalding versus the University of Illinois. Voted that the communication be printed in the minutes of the board, Sept. 24, 1906. In re. Charles W. Spalding j Universit/of Illinois [ B i l 1 f o r a n »»*»>**»«• and others, j To the President of the University of Illinois: The above entitled cause was commenced in the circuit court of Cook county by the complainant for the purpose of compelling an accounting of funds realized from the sale of certain property, real and personal, conveyed and transferred by Spalding to the University trustees byxleed of trust on the 14th of April, 1897, to secure a deficit of $231,367.98 in the accounts of Spalding as treasurer of the University. The bill charges that the property so turned over was worth $415,000. An accounting and decree is sought against the University, the State of Illinois, the State Auditor and the several State Treasurers that have been in office since the date of the deed of trust. The property covered by the deed of trust consisted of real estate in Chicago, lands in Idaho, city bonds of cities in Iowa and Washington and other securities. In view of the legislative relief granted by the General Assembly to cover the Spalding defalcation and the action taken by the University trustees in turning over the property in question to the State authorities to discharge the trust contained in the deed I do not think the University is legally liable in the suit. I shall, therefore, file an answer, disclaiming any interest in the subject matter of the litigation, and contend that all responsibility for a faithful discharge of the trust shifted to the State. I am in communication with the Attorney General, who represents the State and the State officers, and if the court will not give me a favorable preliminary ruling on my answer of disclaimer he and I will act together in the defense. Respectfully submitted, O. A. HARKER, Counsel for the University. GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. 6. Professor C. W. Roife, head of the department of Geology, recommends that Dr. H. Foster Bain, Director of the State Geological Survey, be appointed University Lecturer in Geology. This recommendation is approved by the Dean of the College of Science. It is understood that no compensation is connected with this lectureship, but that Dr. Bain, whose duties as Director of the Geological Survey require his presence most of the year in Urbana, will kindly consent to give a few lectures without compensation which will be of value to the department and to the University. Professor Rolfe recommends that an allowance of $150 be made to Mr. R. C. Purdy for extra work during the past summer. Voted that the above recommendations be approved.
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