Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

290 UNIVEBSITY OF ILLINOIS [Apr. 6 General University No. Date. T o whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r what. Amount. 1907 . 8429 Apr. 8430 8431 8432 .do 8433 8434 8435 8436 8437 8438 8439 8440 .do 8441 8442 8443 8444 8445 8446 8447 8448 8449 8450 .do 8451 8452 8453 8454 8455 8456 8457 8458, 8(59 8460 8461 8462 8463 8464 8465 8466 8467 .do 8468 8469 8470 8471 8472 8473 8474 8475 8476 8477 6 Derrough & Co Twin City Electric Co Pails, etc Labor and material, , R. R. Donnelley & Sons Stationery Illinois State R e f o r m a t o r y . . . . Printing, etc Photo cards Wards Natural Science EstabGoniometers F o o t e Mineral Co Book A . J . Nvstrom & Co Western Valve Co Repairs Standard Oil Co C. H . Stoelting Co Laboratory supplies Spencer Lens Co Tuerch chamber C h a s B . Hatch Hotel bill Ideal Ventilator Co Ventilator Ink, etc : . . Library Bureau Cabinets, etc H a n g i n g globe J o h n C. Mountjoy Gaylord Bros Stationery ." Joseph McDonough Book, e t c . . . . Envelopes Keystone Blue Paper Co Tags Dennison Mfg. Co C. Broes VanDort & Co Subscription T h e American Architect T h e Knoxville Engraving Co. Halftones Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co Bulletins, etc T h e E n g i n e e r i n g M a g a z i n e . . Advertising A. B. Porter Apparatus American Hard Rubber C o . . . Rubber T h e F e l i x F . Daus Duplicator Duplicator Co Press, etc Roovers Bros Supplies Wire Central Scientific Co Drugs, etc S. C. Tucker Browne & Sharpe Mfg. C o . . . . Machine Indicator B . C . A m e s & Co J o h n C. Moore Corporation.. Stationery J o n e s & Laughlin Steel Co .. Steel F o u n d r y supplies E. M. Burr & Co Supplies Excelsior Supply Co Tracing, etc Barnes Crosby Co Books and paper Jacquin & Co Pencil knife Rockford Pencil Knife Co Hardware, etc T . H . Trevett $ 7 15 2 35 21 64 123 73 87 60 1 47 4 00 55 15 4 00 15 95 23 15 23 95 7 72 17 00 3 50 11 45 176 30 13 00 13 78 3 17 6 00 1 27 46 80 12 80 2 44 303 2 97 5 22 09 55 60 : .' < . Keefe Davidson Co Callaghan & Co t T . H . Flood & Co T h e A u d i t C o m p a n y of Illinois Wages, March, 1907 8478 Marion E. Sparks 8479 H. H. Mitchell 8480 8481 T . Ruth Berolzheimer r 8482 Annie E. Sparks Services 8483 8484 H . A. Hollister 8485 R. H . Chittenden . .do Labor 8486 F.F.Warren. Salary, March 21-30, 1907, inclusive. 8487 Mae Morehead Services 8488 Western Union Teleg. Co Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co. Services 8489 Milk 8490 J. M. McCullough 8491 W . A. Grindley 8492 G. A. Garrison. 8493 C. Smith 8494 T.J.Jordan 8495 G. F . Maxwell C. M. Huff 8496 8497 Stella Herriott ". 8498 H. Wascher ; 8499 H . English 8500 . . d o . . . . . . . . 6 00 32 88 22 68 2 50 10 20 16 00 62 00 30 75 23 99 207 46 6 92 12 09 9 35 16 97 85 05 22 00 6 50 132 50 18 75 225 40 52 75 31 63 27 20 8 77 20 30 58 00 36 60 58 00 2 25 13 85 3 47 60 70 41 06 7 03 4 76 6 02 102 25 28 85 25 49 8 11 33'89 31 63 22 73