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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 25 from now on until the building- is at least ready for plastering. This is in addition to the daily supervision which will be given by Dean White and Mr. Bevis. There are some things that call for early action by the University. We shall require steam heat in the building about December first. Consequently your service tunnel should be extended to the Auditorium and steam mains carried into the new building. This work is to be done by the University outside of English Brothers' contract, and can not be started too soon if delays later are to be avoided. Also the contracts for electric wiring should be placed as soon as possible. Sealed bids for this work are now in the hands of Mr. Pillsbury. These bids are based upon specifications and plans prepared by me in consultation with Professor Brooks. At your suggestion I provided for illuminating the exterior of the dome, a highly desirable feature, which, however, should be done in a desirable, thorough manner. I have asked for a separate bid for this illumination, in order that you may know exactly what it will cost. Contracts for the electric work should be awarded before October first. The contract calls for inscriptions cut on the frieze of the cornice. This work can be done in the spring, from a swing stage, at a slight extra expense. I understand you have not as yet decided upon the exact wording of these inscriptions. It would be well for the University to arrange' for the finished grading of the approaches to the Auditorium and for building the road up to the front so that this work can be at least roughed out by not later than November first. Otherwise the surroundings of the building can not be properly finished and planted by May first. In this subject is involved the question of wliether or not you build the terraces and steps in front of the building, which in my judgment are quite essential to the ultimate completion of the general effect. This work has never been included in any contract, on account of the limited appropriation at your command. Temporary grading can at slight expense make the surroundings fairly presentable, but I trust your board will not be satisfied with anything short of the ultimate completion of the entire scheme of approaches as shown by me in the preliminary studies presented to your board, including the balustrade work, the broad steps leading down onto the lawn, and in the center the pedestal and statue of "Alma Mater welcoming her sons and daughters." Electric fixtures for the interior of your building should be contracted for not later than January first. I will prepare designs for these and submit same to you at an early date. . . According to the contract the floor of the cellar under your Auditorium is left without any concrete, as a matter of economy. It should be drained and concreted as soon as you feel justified in appropriating the money for the same. In conclusion, I wish to express my appreciation of the manner in which your contractors are endeavoring to carry out all of my requirements, and of the good will they have made manifest. I do not anticipate any further delays in the progress of the work. Respectfully submitted, C. H. BLACK ALL. MEDICAL EXAMINER IN MILITARY DEPARTMENT. 3. A request from the head of the Military Department, Colonel E. G. Fechet, that the position of medical examiner to the military department of the University of Illinois be created, and the position be filled by the appointment of a physician of standing. Voted that the consideration of the request be deferred until later in the session. ACADEMY. 4. Mr. Frank Hamsher, principal of the Academy, has resigned his position to accept the principalship of Smith Academy of Washington University at St. Louis. I have appointed Mr. Charles M. McConn, a member of the
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