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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

266 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS [Feb.20 General University No. Date. To Whom: Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 1907 Fiber 20 6653 F e b . F . Fisher Bran ..do 6654 Keuffell & Esser Co 6655 ..do M. C. Lilley & Co Flag bunting ..do 6656 Milwaukee Steel F o u n d r y Co. Castings 6657 ..do Northwestern Compo-Board 6658 ..do Co Compo-board Stencil paper and ink 6659 ..do.....-... A. B. Dick Co Castings, etc 6660 ..do T h e W . I. Safrell Co Hardware, etc ..do 6661 T h e American Society of Me6662 ..do chanical E n g i n e e r s T h e Alexander L u m b e r C o . . L u m b e r 6663 ..do J a m e s G. Biddle Repairing ammeter 6664 ..do C. C. Gere Repairing clock, etc 6665 ..do T h e Electric Storage Battery 6666 ..do Co Syringes Commercial units 6667 ..do Blowpipes, etc 6668 ..do Columbia School Supply Co.. 6669 ..do Munhall Printing House . . . Paper, ink, etc 6670 ..do Harvard University Astronomical telegrams 6671 ..do A. A. S p h u n g Frogs and crawfish 6672 ..do H e n r y A. Dreer Seeds 6673 ..do T h e Ohio Oil Co •. Crude oil! 6674 ..do H . F . Chester Carriage hire 6675 ..do Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co. 6676 ..do Frank Holten & Co Repairing bassom 6677 ..do Educational Review Advertising 6678 ..do American Gymnasia . .do 6679 ,.do T h e Geometric T o o l Co 6680 ..do J o n e s & Laughlin Steel C o . . . Steel 6681 ..do George Gorton Machine Co.. E n g r a v i n g 6682 ..do T h e K n y Scheerer Co Supplies 6683 ..do G. E. S t e c h e r t & C o Books, etc 6684 ..do A. C. McClurg & Co ..do 6685 . .do Ginn & Co Book 6686 ..do J a m e s T . White & Co Books 6687 .do 6688 ..do Mary A. Mason American Berkshire Associa6689 ..do tion Book T h e Arthur H . Clark Co Books 6690 ..do W. L . McKinley, treasurer... Copies 6691 T h e Boston Book Co Books 6692 ..do Book T h e Book Shop 6693 ..do T h e Geo. B. J e n n i n g s Co 6694 ..do Robt. J . H o g u e t , treasurer ... Book 6695 ..do Engineering News Subscription 6696 ..do T h e Champaign News . .do 6697 ..do Ernst Hertzberg & Sons Binding 6698 ..do Twin City Ice & Cold Storage 6699 ..do Co Ice Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . Supplies 6700 ..do Cotton G. C . W i l l i s 6701 ..do Hubbard & Sons Hardware 6702 ..do Periodicals, etc Lemcke & Buechner 6703 ..do T h e K e n y o n News and Postal 6704 ..do Subscription Co W. H. Smith...: ..do 6705 ..do Chas. T . Ripley Postage 6706 ..do Y o u n g M e n s ' Christian Asso6707 ..do Postage, etc T h e Roseville Pottery C o . . . . Vases, etc 6708 ..do A. V. Bleininger 6709 ..do T h e Richardsqn-Lovejoy E n 6710 ..do gineering Co ..do Repairing F e r g u s o n & Craig 6711 ..do Midland Linseed Co Linseed cake 6712 .do 6713 .do Coal Chester A. Harris 6714 .do Stationery supplies T h e U. of I. Supply Store 6715 .do Grinding, etc . * D . T . Dobbins. P r o p 6716 .do Hay, dry goods, etc F . K . Robeson 6717 .do Basket reed, etc D. H . L l o y d e 6718 .do D. R. Lee 6719 .do ' ' T . H . Trevett 6720 .do $ 5 78 44 00 12 80 17 27 8 19 16 9 138 23 22 358 3 2 80 00 10 19 45 95 50 00 3 64 30 00 29 82 . 36 10 16 75 8 12 6 00 6 93 17 50 26 50 29 95 1 45 13 30 5 00 15 00 18 09 2 25 100 65 205 92 196 03 2 00 20 00 1 00 1 8 5 29 2 8 1 8 5 108 4 10 1 14 216 00 00 00 72 00 66 25 00 00 24 00 09 50 40 49 151 20 15 00 112 14 }7 67 24 00 16 50 66 69 1 5a 53 00 18 25 7 88 20 55 26 05 70 55 1 30 36 2ft 50 6T
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