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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

250 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS [Jan. 4 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. F o r What. Amount. 1 1907 5474 J a n . 5475 ..do 5476 ..do 5477 ..do 5478 ..do 5479 ..do 5480 ..do 5481 ..do 5482 ..do 1 4 S. F . Fackler $ 24 67 15 74 23 38 3 25 202 95 15 01 45 94 216 00 500 00 25 00 28 00 20 00 2 45 2 25 15 00 8 91 115 05 1 20 10 22 88 51 16 87 9 55 1 87 1 50 13 00 10 50 2 40 33 45 128 10 103 52 6 25 29 00 2 50 10 00 19 58 22 98 18 00 2 50 23 71 123 53 '10 85 33 66 44 75 48 00 4 41 7 01 3 30 6 98 57 75 10 45 15 00 2 00 5 82 26 30 93 30 144 25 8 81 6 42 47 50 2 48 36 00 3 00 401 60 5 90 26 04 17 15 , 4 75 9 41 1 00 11 00 15 15 Milk ..do N . P . Heath ..do ; C. E . Percival ..do Carrie T . Alexander Expenses Martin Schilling" Models David K i n l e y ?. Expenses Illinois State Penitentiary Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co Generator, etc Mileage book 10 E. M . Halliday 5483 J a n . V . L . Hollister 5484 ..do W m . Black ..do 5485 ..do 5486 . . d o . . . . . . . . . A. B. Dick Co Paper, etc Universal A d d i n g Machine Co Paper 5487 ..do J o s . Hills, Secreary and Treas5488 ..do 5489 ..do 5490 ..do 5491 ..do 5492 ..do 5493 ..do 5494 5495 ..do 5496 ..do 5497 ..do 5498 ..do 5499 ..do 5500 ..do 5501 ..do 5502 ..do 5503 . . d o . . . . . . . . 5504 ..do: 5505 ..do 5506 ..do A. V . Schermerhorn Expenses Champaign Steam Laundry.., A . S. Nelson & Son C. H . Baddeley Lumber Hunter, Rourke & Co Labor E. O. Jacob ..do E . R . Evans Repairing F . E. Brandis Sons & Co Repairing watch C. C. Gere H a n d i n g globe J o h n C. Mountjoy O. S. Morgan Earthenwares Plates Central Scientific Co Knowlton & Bennett Paint, glass, etc General Chemical Co Acids, cases, etc Fuller & Fuller Co Spaulding & Quirk Eimer & A m e n d . .do Urbana & Champaign RailCoke way, Gas & Electric Co Book i Chemicals Merck & Co Sears, Roebuck & Co Brushes, etc Dials N e w m a n Clock Co Book Radiators Lumber S. E . H u f f & C o Locks, etc J . P . Cooper & Co E u g e n e Dietzgen Co Supplies W . I. Ziegler Lamps, etc Jas. E. Casey Photos, etc * Stober Mfg. Co Combination burrs B. F . Stevenson Percival & Hall Salt Solution Scales T h e H o w e Scale Co Disc, etc Superior Drill Co Austin Hill Map Canvas bags J o h n Ross Expenses D M White Crucibles and covers J . Bishop & Co Charles Mollet - Labor and material Creamery Package Mfg. C o . . Supplies Hubbard & Sons Hardware Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . Apparatus E . W . Sampson Brooms, brushes, etc T . J . Davis Labor D . T . Dobbins, P r o p Meal A . H . Barber Creamery SupMouthpieces ply Co T . H . Trevett H ardware H e n r y A . Dreer .'. Tools, etc T h e National A m m o n i a C o . . . Ammonia Harry H i g g i n s Labor Reliable P l u m b i n g & Heating Labor and material Co Supplies National Nurseryman P u b . C o Chicago Live Stock World ... . .do 5507 ..do 5508 ..do 5509 ..do 5510 ..do 5511 ..do 5512 ..do 5513 ..do 5514 ..do 5515 ..do 5516 ..do 5517 ..do 5518 .:do 5519 ..do 5520 ..do 5521 ..do 5522 ..do 5523 ..do • 5524 ..do 5525 ..do 5526 ..do 5527 ..do 5528 ..do 5529 ..do 5530 ..do 5531 ..do 5532 ..do 5533 ..do 5534 ..do 5535 ..do 5536 ..do 5537 ..do 5538 ..do 5539 ..do 5540 ..do 5541 ..do 5542 ..do 5543 ..do 5544 ..do •
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