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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 239 General University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. 1906 Dec. 10 Jas. R. Hilton & Son Chas. E . Miller ..do Spark plugs Robt. C. W a g n e r Hauling ..do Skelton ..do ..do T h e Dreka Co Cards Spaulding & Quirk Drugs ..do C h a s . B . Hatch ..do Hotel bill F r e d J. Heer ..do ..do E. M. Burr & Co Machine supplies W m . O. Ohm....." ..do Preparing brick ..do Labor and material ..do J a m e s H . Rice Co Glass Packing ..do Geo. B. Carpenter & Co Duplex ..do Monash Yonkers Co ..do J a m e s B. Clow & Sons ..do Air v a l v e s . . . ; Norwall Mfg. Co ..do Carbon National Carbon Co ..do S t o n e w o r k , etc ..do Standard Oil Co Crank case, etc ..do Quaker City Rubber Co Rubber goods ..do T h e Students Cooperative Assn Stationery supplies 4674 ..do Marshall Jackson Co Book 4675 . .do Illinois State Reformatory Stationery supplies 4676 \.do . .do A . C . McClurg & Co 4677 ..do Paper, etc T h e Gazette 4678 ..do J a m e s McCann Broom handles 4679 ..do Illinois State P e n i t e n t i a r y . . . . Desk 4680 ..do Chicago Engineer Supply Co. Steam trap 4681 ..do L. H . Kerrick 4682 ..do Illinois Printing Co Folders 4683 ..do Foote Mineral Co Minerals 4684 ..do Rand, McNally & Co Scale 4685 ..do C. H. Stoelting 4686 ..do Eberbach & Son Pulleys and supports 4687 ..do Blomfeldt & R a p p Boring tool 4688 ..do Chas. Mollendorf Lettering doors 4689 ..do Lumber S. E. Huff & Co 4690 ..do J. D. Green 4691 ..do W. W . Walls & Co Lumber 4692 ..do... J o n e s & Laughlin Steel C o . . Beam, etc 4693 ..do Queen & Co Condensers 4694 ..do Crosby Steam Guage & Valve Co Cards . .• 4695 ..do Columbia Incandescent L a m p Co L a m p s , etc 4696 ..do F o u n d r y supplies 4697 ..do Labor H. J. L e g o 4698 ..do T h e K a n k a k e e Quarries C o . . Screenings 4699 ..do American T u b e Works 4700 ..do T h e McLaughlin M a t e e r C o . Crushed stone 4701 Dec. 20 E. H. Sargent & Co Laboratory supplies 4702 ..do Ferd Chenoweth Hardware 4703 ..do Chas. H . Besley Co Wire 4704 ..do W. H . L e s l i e Drugs .4705 ..do Lumber, etc " Hunter, Rourke & Co 4706 ..do Andrus & Church 4707 ..do T h e Scientific S h o p . : Skectrograph 4708 ..do Furniture, etc Mittendorf & Kiler 4709 ..do F . E. Brandis Sons & Co Transit 4710 ..do T h e Chas. A. Strelinger C o . . . Machinery supplies 4711 ..do Indicator 4712 ..do T h e Brown Hoisting Machinery Co 4713 ..do Armstrong Bros. Tool C o . . . . Tools 4714 ..do Reproductions Marshall Field & Co 4715 ..do Western Electric Co Electric supplies 4716 ..do Moran & Miller Plumbing, etc 4717 ..do :. Central Electric Co Electric supplies 4718 ..do W . J. Van Petten Hardware 4719 ..do I.E.Duncan Corn, etc 4720 ..do A. H . Barber Creamery S u p ply Co 4721 ..do Jars and crash W. Lewis & C o 4722 ..do Book Scientific American 4723 ..do 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 46.72 4673 , $ 3 00 7 50 9 10 5 00 2 00 3 10 1 50 16 50 29 50 5 00 38 98 13 60 63 92 28 80 78 04 20 28 49 75 34 85 10 08 9 00 ; 77 71 10 00 32 65 20 61 86 25 ' 2 88 18 00 17 50 38 69 22 15 75 00 1 75 51 15 21 00 15 00 12 50 34 25 43 90 84 95 107 98 80 00 8 00 124 00 48 47 4 50 1 50 3 96 54 64 59 18 1 75 1 69 2 35 208 00 8 40 174 90 205 73 231 05 18 71 16 00 7 88 20 30 48 00 102 93 203 09 103 16 6 95 4 35 1 8 2 1 50 33 00 25
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