Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 225 . Omeral University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants—Continued. F o r What. Amount. 1906 Nov. 20 D. T . Dobbins Grinding Elgin Dairv R e p o r t Advertising E. W . Sampson Supplies Reamers, etc . . d o . . . . . . . . H. Channon Co W . Muller Pamphlets Books George Harding ° e r n Liebisch Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co Ice 3623 Bottles...'. Whitall Tatum Co 3624 Chas. T . Ripley Postage Wands, bells, etc 3625 Narragansett Machine C o 3626 Oil and gasoline Standard Oil Co Illinois State Reformatory.... Printing 3627 Transfer W a g n e r Electric Mfg. Co 3628 Chas. B. Hatch 3629 Hotel bill 3630 Arthur H . T h o m a s Co 3631 .do Electrode Acheson Graphite Co 3632 Chemicals E. H. Sargent & Co 3633 J o n e s & Laughlin Steel C o . . . Plate of steel Mittendorf & Kiler Chairs, etc 3634 Labor .' 3635 L . A. Waterburv T. H . T r e v e t t . . ' Hardware 36.16 Screws, etc 3637 W . & L. E. Gurley T h e Outlook Co 3638 / 3639 Orr & Lockett Hardware C o . . Hardware Tables 3640 Dean & Bode Mfg. Co I. E. Duncan 3641 Expenses 3642 A. V. Schroeder. W. L . A b b o t t 3643 . .do 3644 Adolph Mueller Carl Scholz 3645 ? Edwin H . C h e n e y 3646 3647 A. B e m e n t 3648 Students Cooperative A s s n . . . 3649 Jewell Water I m p r o v e m ' t Co. Coil 3650 Illinois Electric Co G e o . B. Carpenter Co Belt 3651 3652 T h e W . I. Safrell Co Hardware, etc W . J.Sullivan Floor plans 3653 O. E. Staples, chief clerk 3654 3655 Services V. L. Hollister Central Union T e l e p h o n e Co. 3656 Western Union Telegraph Co Services 3657 3658 Reeves Pulley Co Hill, Clark & Co 3659 M. B. Stewart Labor 3660 O. C. Stanger 3661 Services J o h n W. Cook 3662 Lecture K. H . C o x Labor.. * 3663 .•.do P a y m e n t on contract 3664 English Bros G. E. Stechert & Co Books 3665 3666 Chas. F . Hottes E. J. T o w n s e n d 3667 3668 A. C. McClurg & Co . do Ringer & Hertzberg 3669 Paper T h e Paper Mills Co 3670 J. S. Cleavinger 3671 Books • 3672 J o s e p h Baer & Co L. A. Smith 3673 3674 Robert Myers Services Ottice Donohew 3675 . do Expenses H . A. Hollister 3676 3677 A. Daigger 3678 F . E. Deason 3679 A. F . Gustafson 3680 Books 3681 Arthur*H. Clark C o . > Ringer & Hertzberg Binding 3682 3683 Books G. E . Stechert & Co Labor 3684 M. C. Tanquary 3S85 Lumber. A. Bevis 3686 Apparatus Charles Engelhard Labor and material 3687 3688 J.H.Gill 3614 3615 3616 3617 3318 3619 3620 3621 3622 $ .• , 6 44 10 00 12 00 11 11 77 25 65 70 56 65 6 40 '. .-. 10 00 61 65 109 00 20 70 8 56 139 10 35 10 5 40 336 31 3 86 983 65 13 48 422 12 9 00 139 10 3 65 2 00 12- 59 315 00 71 96 2 88 23 32 3 50 4 00 15 51 24 00 213 70 45 00 8 76 11 19 129 15 11 37 163 76 28 00 23 45 14 22 156 48 990 00 16 95 17 80 * 25 00 17 «0 5,089 76 465 21 10 60 7 20 122 11 229 98 43 46 11 10 24 89 17 25 17 14 15 00 29 92 2,348 01 15 56 60 00 18 25 29 68 58 76 286 65 15 00 4 50 112 00 110 81 9 16 -15 U