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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 223 G&neral University No. Date. 1906 To Whom. Warrants—Continued. For What. Amount. Mrs. L. Ruschman Deane Burns D. J. Carroll R u d o l p h Wurlitzer Co F . O. Poole, Secretary and Dues Treasurer 3485 ..do Services 3486 ..do Salary, October, 1906 H. A. Matthill 3487 ..do Mabel E. Conde Services, October, 1906 3488 ..do Military supplies Chief of Ordnance 3489 ..do Expenses E. G. Fechet 3490 ..do Coal J. D. W h i t e , a g e n t 3491 ..do Expenses Mary E. Busey 3492 ..do William C. Williams Lecture recital 3493 ..do Labor W. H. A l m y . ; 3494 ..do Expenses • Morgan Brooks 3495 ..do Lead 3496 ..do Loan Townsend F . Dodd 3497 ..do Expenses , ,. E. L. Norton 3498 ..do Labor Edith Leonard 3499 ..do Teaching Alice E. Maddock 3500 ..do Caps W. Lewis & Co 3501 ..do Threshing Cruise Bros 3502 ..do T h e Sanitary Creamery C o . . . Cream cooler 3503 ..do T h e L i n e n Thread Co Loom 3504 ..do W m . H . Caldwell, Secretary Fee and Treasurer 3505 ..do D. H . Lloyde 3506 ..do Files Chas. H . B e s l e y & Co 3507 ..do Corks, tubing, etc Fuller & Fuller Co 3508 ..do T h e Urbana Courier Co 3509 ..do American Society of M e d i a n - ' Papers ical E n g i n e e r s 3510 ..do Paper A. B. Dick Co 3511 ..do Tubing Ernst Leitz 3512 ..do Romeyri B. H o u g h W o o d specimens 3513 .do Ice Smith & Co 3514 ..do Radiators American Radiator C Q 3515 ..do Mill work A. P . L e m i n g 3516 ..do E. M . B u r r & C o Bracke's, etc 3517 ..do Chair backs, etc Walker & Mulliken 3518 ..do M . G. Snyder 3519 ..do Labor Twin City Electric Co 3520 ..do Lettering Charles Mollendorf . w 3521 ..do Central Electric Co Electric supplies 3522 ..do Supplies 3523 .do J. C. Green Labor and material 3524 ..do T h e Alexander L u m b e r Co .. L u m b e r 3525 ..do Corn Savoy Grain & Coal Co 3526 ..do Stone Bros Nails, etc 3527 ..do ! W. W . Jerauld Oilcloth and thread 3528 ..do A. W . A b e r n a t h y . . , Photo supplies 3529 .do Bottles,etc 3530 ..do A. M. & L. A. TerwilJiger.... W h i p and box 3531 ..do Rutherford Stuyvesant Calves '. 3532 ..do H. J.Fluck 3533 . . d o " " . . . . Vermont F a r m Machine Co .. Bowl rings 3534 ..do Russell Arbuckle Straw 3535 ..do H. M c F a d d e n & Bro Meal 3536 ..do H . S w a n n e l l & Son Drugs 3537 ..do G.C.Willis Dry goods 3538 ..do T h e American Multigraph Co Ribbons 3539 ..do Ringer & Hertzberg Binding , 3540 . .do Cunningham Bros Supplies 3541 .do Dennison Mfg. Co Supplies 3542 ..do Edward Bartow Expenses 3543' . .do 'C . W . G a r l a n d 1 3471 N o v . 3472 ..do 3473 ..do 3474 ..do 3475 ..do 3476 ..do 3477 ..do 3478 . .ao 3479 ..do 3480 ..do 3481 ..do 3482 ..do 3483 ..do 3484 ..do 10 C. A . L e s t e r Mrs. J. G. R i g l e y F. Frankenburg R. A. Wootors C. M. V a n M e t e r S.F.Fackler Mrs. S. Herriott G. F . Maxwell M Ik ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Services Lunches Labor Services Strings, etc $ 57 95 24 50 2 33 5 32 20 91 13 31 8 19 36 63 30 00 97 65 16 66 7 75 11 54 2 00 20 00 30 00 35 00 38 11 12 33 1,820 94 30 12 40 00 20 00 26 88 13 50 50 00 18 10 58 25 21 00 1 80 27 00 8 00 8 00 3 00 457 94 19 44 37 24 9 50 8 25 30 00 8 37 8 00 3 22 110 33 22 44 31 75 37 50 9 75 94 00 9 00 78 88 295 55 391 56 500 45 326 04 1 30 2 80 46 42 46 40 2 50 105 00 94 60 3 10 47 91 8 75 3 20 132 98 32 00 20 57 19 35 5 02 100 00 4 95 ... ,.\
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