Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PEOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 221 General University Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To Whom. F o r What. Amount 1906 Electric supplies 3330 Nov. 10 Western Electric Co T h e University of Chicago 3331 Book Press L e m c k e & Bueckner 3332 T h e Arthur H . Clark Co 3333 G. E. S t e c h e r t & C o '.. 3334 Reports " J o s e p h Morjie 3335 Secretary of the C o m m o n 3336 Book wealth E n g i n e e r i n g record A.H.Grant 3337 Stationery supplies A. C. Mc'Clurg & C o 3338 Supplies Ringer & Hertzberg 3339 .do American Institute of M i n i n g 3340 Copy Engineers Books T h e Boston Book Co 3341 3342 Stationery and supplies Illinois State Reformatory 3343 Paint T h e Haskell Paint Co 3344 Toilet paper Atlas Paper Co 3345 Walker & Mulliken 3346 Rugs, cups, etc F.K.Robeson 3347 Supplies J a m e s H . Rice Co 3348 Standard Oil Co 3349 v Oil Columbia cells. National Carbon Co 3350 Supplies J a m e s B . Clow & S o n s 3351 Advertising 3352 F u e l Pulishing Co Apparatus C. H. Stoelting & Co 3353 Lumber, etc Dean & Bode Mfg. Co 3354 R e m i n g t o n Typewriter C o . . . Typewriter and tabulatoi 3355 Reliable P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g 3356 P l u m b i n g material Co Central Electric Co 3357 Photographs Frederick M. F a x o n 3358 Levels Buff & Buff Mfg. Co 3359 Champaign Gas & Electric 3360 Electric supplies Supply Co M. G. Snyder 3361 Supplies 3362 •.. E. M. Burr & Co Keuffel & Esser 3363 American Steam Gage & 3364 Supplies Valve Mfg. Co T h e Electric Storage Battery 3365 Battery t y p e Co American W o o d Working 3366 Hangers, etc Machinery Co Hardware, etc : T h e W. I. Saffell Co . . 3367 Angle iron Leavitt Mfg. Co 3368 3369 Cambris Steel Co . . Steel Material Machinists Supply Co 3370 Supplies 3371 Crane Co Planimeters, etc 3372 Barometer, etc Eimer & A m e n d 3373 Tracing cloth C u n n i n g h a m Bros 3374 3375 T h e Otto Gas E n g i n e W o r k s . Supplies Vices . t Massey Vice Co 3376 Ball mill shell 3377 Doremus Machine Co Instruments, etc 3378 Y o u n g & Sons T h e Students Cooperative 3379 Assn Marshall Jackson Co 3380 Belt Chas. Munson Belting Co 3381 Material 3382 Medart Patent Pulley Co International T e x t b o o k C o . . . Papers, etc 3383 3384 Electric Appliance Co 3385 J o n e s & Laughlin Steel Co .. Steel 3386 C. H e n n e c k e Co Carbons, etc H u g o Reisinger 3387 T h e K e n y o n News & Postal 3388 Book Library Bureau 3389 3390".... Chicago Office Outfitting Co. Magnesia, etc K e a s b y & Mattison 3391 Views, etc 3392 Barnes-Crosby Co Labor and material 3393 J o h n B. Bennett Hardware, etc 3394 T . H . Trevett 3395 $ 37 09 1 50 71 36 20 00 412 86 2 00 10 00 10 00 184 63 430 75 1 00 178 54 5 00 111 05 35 10 15 65 59 04 30 71 146 00 24 31 21 63 9 30 15 00 61 52 6 95 142 00 31 42 21 59 4 50 242 40 124 22 11 80 170 28 4 48 95 71 49 50 22 50 84 34 8 40 15 17 115 54 16 05 33 52 42 25 2 50 1 90 54 60 50 00 193 20 13 30 1 90 11 45 10 57 18 63 61 43 8 42 10 29 11 97 : 14 35 5 76 11 50 90 22 10 20 60 00 132 96 25 00